Sponsored Compensation Verification System - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sponsored Compensation Verification System?

An after-the-fact project-based payroll confirmation process where Principal Investigators (PIs) review and approve salaries and wages (i.e., compensation) for all personnel charged to their awarded sponsored projects.

Why do I need to verify Personnel on Sponsored Projects?

The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulation 2CFR200.430 (i) prescribes the following minimum standards non-federal entities (i.e. Clemson University) must have for the documentation of personnel expenses on Federal awards:

    • Charges to Federal awards for salaries and wages must be based on records that accurately reflect the work performed, and
    • Be supported by a system of internal control which provides reasonable assurance that the charges are accurate, allowable, and properly allocated to both sponsored and non-sponsored activities, when appropriate.

The PI’s review, verification and approval of the charges provide both an internal control step and documents the reasonableness and appropriateness of the salary charged to sponsored project(s).

Why am I having trouble signing into the system when trying to access from an off-campus location?

To sign in from a location that is not connected to Clemson’s network, you must have a VPN connection to the Clemson network.  For more information and downloadable software, please visit


I am in the system, and I see all individuals paid on my sponsored award.  What do I do next?

If all personnel pay appears correct based on the level of activity or work performed on the award, then at the bottom of the list of personnel for that project, select the “Approve” box.  (Note: Remember to click the SAVE button at the bottom of the web page to record all noted entries).

Can I see if an individual paid on my project was also paid from other projects or accounts?

Yes, simply click on the EMPLID by the person that you would like to review.  A popup box will appear showing all pay sources and projects where an individual was paid during that report period.

One or more people listed for my project needs to have corrections made, how do I proceed?

At the bottom of the list of personnel for that project, select the box “Approve with the following corrections”.  When this box is selected, a text box will appear below the selection so that any required corrections can be recorded.  In the text box, please identify the person and EMPLID of each payroll entry that needs correcting indicating whether amounts should be increased or decreased.   GCA will follow up on each entry with department staff to ensure that correcting entries are performed and verified with the Investigator.

How will the correcting entries identified (following the steps in number 6 above) be approved?

Any correcting entries made at this point will appear as payroll correction entries in the next report period for review.

If I click the “Approve” box or “Approve with the following corrections”, am I done?

Please be sure that you click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the page; otherwise, none of the review or notes made during your session will be saved.

How will I know if any projects still need to be approved on my report?

Once you have checked Approve OR Approve with the following corrections, click Save at the bottom of the page. Then, check the "Hide Processed" box at the top-right of the page.  You would then only see any projects that have not been approved.  

I realized I made a mistake after approving and clicking Save.   Can I re-access my report to correct the mistake? 

You can only access your report during a verification period that is currently active.  For any other period, please contact Gina Cofield who will assist with your concern.