Sponsored Compensation Verification System
The Sponsored Compensation Verification System (SCVS) is an after-the-fact project-based payroll confirmation process where Principal Investigators (PIs) review and approve salaries and wages (i.e., compensation) for all personnel charged to their awarded sponsored projects on a semi-annual basis. Compensation reports are generated twice per year (typically August and February) for activity incurred during periods (January 1 through June 30) and (July 1 through December 31). For each principal investigator with a Sponsored Compensation Verification System (SCVS) report to be approved, an initial notification will be sent to their Clemson University e-mail account once reports are made available for review and approval. In addition, ad hoc reports will be made available on the SCVS website for College Post-award contacts to monitor individuals whom have outstanding SCVS reports that need approvals.
During the review and approval process. Investigators are asked to:
- Review the project reports and verify that the individual(s) paid during the referenced reporting period performed work for the grant during that period, and
- Ensure the compensation received was commensurate with the work performed.
- Verify whether there is anyone not listed who worked and should have received compensation from the grant. Any individuals meeting this criteria should be noted in the system by following the “approval with corrections” instructions below.
To Approve Reports: If the report is accurate and no adjustments are necessary, click the approval check box to finalize the report. If adjustments are necessary to any listed personnel, or personnel are identified as missing from the report, click the approval with corrections box and note each correction that needs to be performed. Grants and Contracts Administration (GCA) will review the comments field and follow up with the appropriate department or college business office to ensure corrections are completed.
For unapproved reports: Communications are provided to faculty and investigators according to the schedule provided in the Deadlines for Validating Reports section below. If the PI is not available or unable to approve the reports, the Co-PI, Department Chair, or Research Dean may approve the report if he/she has sufficient knowledge of the project, work and individual(s) paid, or at minimum, has a statement from PI or Co-PI stating the accuracy of the report(s) prior to approving the reports.
For any reports left unapproved after 30 days, investigators will be sent a final e-mail notification that informs them that spending authority for the sponsored project(s) has been suspended and will not be restored until the SCVS report has been approved.
Accessing Your Report
To access the reports, click on the link below and sign in using your single sign-on ID and password. Once inside the Peoplesoft application, click on the Sponsored Comp. Verification tile (as shown on the right). After clicking the tile, you will be presented with your list of sponsored projects and all personnel charges made during the covered period. If you are a Co-PI or someone authorized to review and approve on the Principal Investigator’s behalf, contact Gina Cofield who will authorize access and provide further instructions on accessing the Principal Investigator’s projects. For more information on the review and approval process, please visit the YouTube video link below for further assistance. If you have any questions related to Sponsored project policies and procedures, contact Gina Cofield for assistance. |
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Login to the Sponsored Compensation Verification System
SCVS Training Video
Sponsored Compensation Verification System - Frequently Asked Questions
Deadlines for Validating Reports
Please review and process your reports a soon as possible after receiving your email notification. Reports are due 30 days from the date they become available. If any project is not approved on your report, you will receive notifications according to the following schedule:
Deadline |
Notification |
Frequency |
Day 7 of Verification Period |
Notification sent by System Administrator |
Once |
Day 15 of Verification Period |
Notification sent by the Vice President of Research |
Daily until Day 30 |
Day 30 of Verification Period |
Notification of Project(s) suspension for any report not approved |
Once |
Preliminary Actions
In conjunction with Grants and Contracts Administration's (GCA) semi-annual Sponsored Compensation Verification, GCA also performs periodic reviews of salaries paid on HHS grants to ensure that an individual's full-time effort does not exceed NIH's salary cap rate. (See Guidelines here)