Grants and Contracts Administration

Image Alt Title at Clemson University, South Carolina

About Us

Grants and Contracts Administrations (GCA) is the Post-Award Office of the Division of Research. The GCA staff assists Principal Investigators (PIs), department staff, and administrators with post-award financial and administrative matters related to their sponsored (Fund 20) projects. GCA provides administrative oversight for functions that include all post-award programmatic and financial activities, which include requests to sponsors for no-cost extensions, changes in scope, reduction in time, and disengagement greater than 90 days, as well as sponsored project setup, accounting, invoicing, financial reporting, cash receipts, collections, payroll confirmation, and audit functions from award receipt to close out. The office has University-wide responsibility for ensuring that project expenses and reports to sponsors are compliant with Federal, State, and University laws and regulations as well as specific sponsor guidelines.


Mission Statement

To provide accurate and reliable information to Principal Investigators, other University Personnel, and sponsors on externally sponsored (Fund 20) projects; develop and maintain internal controls at the highest standards possible while streamlining processes to ease administrative burden; provide exceptional customer service; and serve as liaison between investigators and sponsors.


Faculty Business Information System

Employee vs. Contractor (Stipend) Payments - Approved guidance for compensation determination of teachers and participant support stipends is available on the College of Education Website.

Uniform Guidance Single Audit - Fiscal Year 2023

Uniform Guidance Single Audit - Fiscal Year 2024

2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

Clemson University Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement

GCA Intranet Site (For internal employees only)