Matthew McTernan
Biological Sciences
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Jordan Hall 120 [Office]
Jordan Hall 306 [Lab]
Educational Background
B.S., Zoology, Auburn University, 2013
M.S., Ecology and Evolution, Western Washington University, 2017
Research Interests
I am interested in understanding the mechanisms by which animal populations adapt to climate, and using this information to predict the potential consequences of climate warming on global biodiversity. My research integrates phenotypic and genomic data to pinpoint the traits under selection and the genotypic patterns that underlie adaptation in these traits.
Research Group (Lab)
Sears Lab
Parkinson Lab
Courses Taught
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
Applied Genomics
Selected Publications
McTernan, M. R., and M. W. Sears. 2022. Repeatability of Voluntary Thermal Maximum and Covariance with Water Loss Reveal Potential for Adaptation to Changing Climates. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 95:113–121.
Powers, S. D., M. R. McTernan, D. R. Powers, and R. A. Anderson. 2018. Energetic Consequences for a Northern, Range-Edge Lizard Population. Copeia 106:1–10.
Selected Talks
Thermal and hydric balance: how salamanders respond to interacting stressors.
Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Michael W. Sears. 2020 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in Austin, TX.
Higher food availability may offset energetic limitations associated with less activity time. Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Michael W. Sears, and Roger A. Anderson.
2019 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in Tampa Bay, FL.
Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and
vegetation types. Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Sean D. Powers, and Roger A. Anderson. 2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Honors and Awards
Interdisciplinary Fellowship ($4,000), awarded by the Department of Biological Sciences at Clemson University to aid my dissertation research.
EE Williams Grant ($500), awarded by the Herpetologists’ League in 2022 to aid my dissertation research at Clemson University.
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grant ($3,500), awarded by the American Museum of Natural history in 2022 to aid my dissertation research at Clemson University.
“Best Oral Presentation Award”, awarded in spring 2022 Clemson University Biological Sciences Annual Student Symposium (CBASS).
Professional Development GIAR ($1,000), awarded by the Clemson University Professional Development Course to aid my field research in Summer 2022.
Biology Effort Award ($500), awarded in spring 2017 by the Biology Department at WWU for my work done outside of my TA or thesis research responsibilities.
Ross Travel Grant ($350), awarded in fall 2016 by Western Washington University for travel to 2017 SICB meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Dean Metter Memorial Award ($1,000), awarded in spring 2016 by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) to aid the field component of my thesis research.
“Best Oral Presentation Award”, awarded in 2016 Western Washington University Graduate Student Conference.
Thon Summer Support Fund ($2,048), awarded in summer 2015 by Western Washington University.
Fund for the Enhancement of Graduate Research grant ($1,000), awarded in spring 2015 by Western Washington University.
Degree Program
PhD Biological Sciences
Expected Graduation