Kyle Barrett
Forestry & Environment Conserv
Interim Department Chair - FEC
Faculty Fellow, National Scholars Program
Lehotsky Hall G13 [Lab]
Lehotsky Hall 244 [Office]
Lehotsky Hall 255 [Office]
Educational Background
Ph.D., Biology, Auburn University, 2009
M.S., Biology, Missouri State University, 2002
B.S., Biology, Middle Tennessee State University, 1999
Profile/About Me
Dr. Kyle Barrett is an ecologist whose research focuses on the response of species to large-scale stressors such as climate change, invasive species, and land use change. Dr. Barrett is interested in linking research to conservation and management decisions, so he frequently works with a number of federal and state agencies. He is a member of The Wildlife Society and The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
Dr. Barrett enjoys spending time with his wife and two boys, running, hiking, and watching sports.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resources I (ENR 1010)
Natural Resource Measurements (ENR 3020)
Wetland Wildlife Biology (WFB 4620/6620)
Ecology Readings in Biology (BIOL 8070)
Global Change Ecology (WFB 8530)
Analysis of Ecological Communities (WFB 8450)
Selected Publications
Miller, E.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.A. Bauer, G.K. Yarrow, K. Barrett, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Evaluating deterrents to reduce depredation of wood duck eggs in nest boxes. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1544.
Shurba, J.A., K.J. Whitehead, H. L. Schley, B.A. Bauer, K. Barrett, G.K. Yarrow, and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Does nesting material affect wood duck (Aix sponsa) nest box selection, reproduction, and eggshell bacteria. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60:615-620.
Krohn, A.R., J.J. Apodaca, L. Collins, B.D. Hudson, and K. Barrett. 2024. Phylogenetics, subspecies, and conservation of the eastern pinesnake. The Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e2259.
Grunwald, A.P., A. Hotaling Hagan, K. Barrett, and M.C. Scott. 2023. Reestablishment best practices for Hymenocallis coronaria: a charismatic flowering macrophyte and indicator species for fall line stream restoration in the southeastern U.S.A. Restoration Ecology 31:e13999.
Hahs, A.K., B. Fournier, M.F.J. Aronson, C.H. Nilon, A. Herrera-Montes, and numerous other authors including K. Barrett. 2023. Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide. Nature Communications 14:4751.
Novak, M. and K. Barrett. 2023. Within-site microclimate and connectivity can help predict the presence of discrete patch inhabitants, Aneides aeneus. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 18:111-117.
Melcher, A.L., D. Hagan, K. Barrett, B. Ross, and J. Lorber. 2023. Changes in canopy cover and forest structure following dormant season and early growing season prescribed burns in the Southern Appalachians, USA. Fire Ecology 19:27,
Hutto, D., and K. Barrett. 2022. Do urban open spaces within an urban matrix increases anuran abundance? Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17:582-592.
Newman, J., E.A. Riddell, L.A. Williams, M.W. Sears, and K. Barrett. 2022. Integrating physiology into correlative models can alter projections of habitat suitability under climate change for a threatened amphibian. Ecography:e06082.
Vaughan, M.C., D.L. Hagan, W.C. Bridges, K. Barrett, S. Norman, T.A. Coates, and R. Klein. 2022. Effects of burn season on fire-excluded plant communities in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 516:120244.
Knoerr, M.D., A.M. Tutterow, G.J. Graeter, S.E. Pittman, and K. Barrett. 2022. Population models reveal the importance of early life-stages for population stability of an imperiled turtle species. Animal Conservation 25:53-64.
Barrett, K. and S.L. Rodriguez. 2021. What sources are natural resource managers using to make decisions? Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1543-1553.
Oakman, E.C., D.L. Hagan, T.A. Waldrop, and K. Barrett. 2021. Understory community shifts in response to repeated fire and fire surrogate treatments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Fire Ecology 17:7 PDF
Clément, M.A., J. Shonfield, E.M. Bayne, R. Baldwin, and K. Barrett. 2021. Quantifying vocal activity and detection probability to inform survey methods for Barred Owls (Strix varia). Journal of Raptor Research 55. PDF
Hutto, D. and K. Barrett. 2021. Do urban open spaces provide refugia for frogs in urban environments. PLOS ONE 16:e0244932.
Knoerr, M.D., G.J. Graeter, and K. Barrett. 2021. Hatch success and recruitment patterns of the bog turtle. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:293-302. (Mike's photo was selected for the cover)
Clément, M.A., K. Barrett, R.F. Baldwin, C.M. Bodinof Jachowski, A. Carter, and D. Brinker. 2021. An unexpected backyard hunter: breeding barred owls exhibit plasticity in habitat selection along a development gradient. Urban Ecosystems 24:175-186.