Educational Background
B.S., Physics, Rutgers University, 2007
Ph.D., Physics, New York University, 2013
Profile/About Me
Jonathan Zrake is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Clemson University, where his research group works on problems in computational high-energy astrophysics. He obtained a physics major at Rutgers University in 2007, completed his PhD in 2013 under the supervision of Andrew MacFadyen at New York University, and was a Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University from 2013 - 2017 where he worked with Roger Blandford and Tom Abel. He returned to New York City for a second postdoc at Columbia University, working with Andrei Beloborodov as well as Zoltan Haiman, before moving to Clemson in 2020.
Research Interests
Supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei (AGN's), especially binary AGN's, gravitational waves, binary neutron star mergers, gamma-ray bursts, magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and magnetic reconnection.