Educational Background
B.Sc, Physics, Tri Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, 2016
Profile/About Me
Abhishek Khanal is a PhD candidate at the Clemson University Department of Physics. His research focuses on theoretical investigation of quantum transport phenomena. Abhishek has taught undergraduate Physics labs and is currently a Graduate teacher of Record (GTR) for the PHYS 1240 course. In 2019, he received professional development funding from Clemson Thinks2 Graduate Teaching Institute. He earned a certificate in Engineering and Science Education in Spring 2022. He is currently a Grad WAC Fellow at Pearce Center for Professional Communication.
Beyond his academic work, Abhishek is an avid hiker and a soccer fan. On most weekends, you can find him along hiking trails or on a soccer field. He also enjoys cooking, literature, philosophy, and stand-up comedies.
Research Interests
My research focuses on quantum transport theory.
Research Group (Lab)
Courses Taught
PHYS 1240