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Research Overview

A Crucial Facet

Research is a crucial facet of the Clemson University Department of Physics and Astronomy. In addition to fully equipped laboratories in Jordan Hall and at the Advanced Materials Research Lab, our faculty and students in astrophysics and atmospheric physics conduct research at locations that stretch from near the North Pole to the southern hemisphere. The Department of Physics and Astronomy traces its roots at Clemson University back to physics courses that were taught to the first graduating class of 1896 in the old Mechanical College. Now part of the College of Science, the department holds the distinction of awarding the first physics doctoral degree in South Carolina in 1964.

Man looking into research device in lab.

Research Areas and Resources

Faculty Research

The department boasts approximately 23 faculty members. Faculty research is divided into five key focus areas: astronomy/astrophysics, atmospheric and space physics, atomic/molecular/optical physics, biophysics, and condensed matter physics.

Students and faculty enjoy access to state-of-the-art facilities and labs, including the Palmetto Cluster supercomputer, the Clemson Nanomaterial Institute, the Clemson University Light Imaging Facility and the SARA consortium telescopes located in Arizona, Chile and the Canary Islands. Moreover, the department boasts an instrument shop that is a state-of-the-art facility with three instrument makers as well as a planetarium, which is used for outreach and is visited by hundreds of people every year.

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Physics and Astronomy | 118 Kinard Laboratory, Clemson, SC 29634