Change of Major
If you are interested in changing your major into one of the College of Science majors, please see the department-specific requirements below.
Moving to Another College?
If you are a current College of Science major and are looking to transition to another degree program in another college, please try to schedule an “Explore Major” appointment via CU Navigate or email an advisor within the department of your prospective major. You may also check the website of your prospective major for any course requirements, minimum GPA requirements and for a change of program application.
Major-specific Information
Biology/Microbiology Major
The Department of Biological Sciences stops processing change of academic program requests for students into the biological sciences or microbiology major on the first day of class. Processing resumes after the last day to drop a class or withdraw from the University without receiving a W grade. This freeze period adheres to the Course Program of Study timeline.
Students desiring to change academic programs into biological sciences or microbiology from another major should schedule an “Explore Biological Sciences” or “Explore Microbiology” appointment using CU Navigate. During this meeting with a department advisor, you will learn more about the curriculum and requirements for the major(s) while also providing detailed change of academic program information and suggested coursework for the upcoming semester.
You may then submit a change of academic program request. Once the change of academic program request is approved, you and your primary advisor will be notified via email.
Questions regarding the change of major process can be emailed to gfridle@clemson.edu or bwe@clemson.edu.
Chemistry Major
Students interested in changing their academic programs to Chemistry from another major should schedule an “Explore Chemistry” appointment using CU Navigate. During this meeting, you and an advisor within the department will discuss the curriculum and requirements for the major(s). The advisor will also provide details regarding the change of academic program process and suggest coursework for the upcoming semester. “Explore Major” appointments are held in-person or virtually.
After completing an “Explore Major” appointment with one of our advisors, students may submit a change of academic program request on iROAR for approval. Change of program requests into chemistry will not be approved without the completion of an “Explore Major” appointment.
Questions regarding the Department of Chemistry may email kolem3@clewmson.edu. Allow for one to two business days for a reply.
Genetics and Biochemistry Major
Students interested in changing their academic programs to either genetics or biochemistry from another major should schedule an “Explore Genetics” or “Explore Biochemistry” appointment using CU Navigate. During this meeting, you and an advisor within the department will discuss the curriculum and requirements for the major(s). The advisor will also provide details regarding the change of academic program process and suggest coursework for the upcoming semester. “Explore Major” appointments are held in-person or virtually.
After completing an “Explore Major” appointment with one of our advisors, students may submit a change of academic program request on iROAR for approval. Change of program requests into genetics or biochemistry will not be approved without the completion of an “Explore Major” appointment.
Questions regarding the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry may email gbadv@clemson.edu. Allow for one to two business days for a reply.
Mathematical Sciences Major
Students desiring to change academic programs into mathematical sciences from another major need a minimum GPA of 2.0 and should schedule a meeting with an advisor for mathematical sciences. Sign up for an “Explore Mathematical and Statistical Sciences” appointment using CU Navigate.
Physics Major
Students interested in changing their academic programs to physics from another major should reach out to the undergraduate program coordinator, Joan Marler, at jmarler@clemson.edu.
Undeclared Major
Students desiring to change academic programs into Preprofessional Studies: Prepharmacy (non-degree) Preprofessional Health Studies (undeclared major) should schedule an “Explore” appointment using CU Navigate.