Spring Family Weekend: Save The Date – April 4-5, 2025
We are excited to announce our 2025 Spring Family Weekend, supported by Lakeside Lodge! From campus tours and athletic events to family socials and more, this weekend will provide a great chance to connect with your student, other families and the Clemson community. You are also invited to attend the Clemson Tigers’ annual Spring Game at 1 p.m. EST on Saturday, April 5, which will be televised on the ACC Network. It will be a weekend of family fun on campus; we’d love to see you there!

As you make lodging arrangements, please consider staying with our partner, Lakeside Lodge.
More information about other local options can be found through each city's chamber of commerce, linked below.
Registration Opens - February 26, 2025
Registration for Spring Family Weekend will open on February 26, 2025 in the Clemson Parent & Family Experience Portal. Watch for our fully detailed Spring Family Weekend schedule in the Clemson Parent & Family Experience portal and the CSLE Website in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or 864-656-0515.
Go Tigers!
Clemson Family Programs

Family Orientations
The Center for Student Leadership & Engagement is responsible for coordinating New Student Orientation as well as a variety of other family programs including Fall and Spring Family Weekends. We recently opened sign-ups for students and have communicated to them their Orientation process. Like the student experience, we will be offering Parent and Family Orientation in a hybrid format consisting of online elements and an optional in-person experience over the summer.
The following outlines our Parent and Family Orientation experience for Summer 2024.
Tiger Talk Webinars
As part of this year’s Family Orientation, we will be offering several live Zoom Webinars known as Tiger Talks throughout the summer. Tiger Talks provide an opportunity for parents and family
members to hear directly from campus experts, student services staff members, and student
Tiger Talk Topics and dates for Summer 2024 can be found below:
Tiger Talk: Orientation & Advising Overview
Wednesday, June 5 - 5 p.m.
Staff members from the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement will provide an overview of this summer’s New Student & Family Orientation process and share the various ways new students and families can connect with Clemson before the start of the semester. Academic advisers will also provide an overview of the academic advising and course registration process for new students.
Tiger Talk: Supporting Your Student’s Transition into Clemson
Wednesday, June 19 - 5 p.m.
This session will feature campus experts whose work centers around helping your first-year or
transfer student transition into Clemson successfully. Panelists include representatives from the Vice President of Student Affairs Office, University Housing & Dining, Transfer Student Services Office, Parking & Transportation Services, and the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement.
Tiger Talk: Health & Wellness at Clemson
Wednesday, June 26 - 5 p.m.
This session will feature campus experts whose work centers around helping your first-year or
transfer student identify the people, places, and professionals on campus who support their physical, mental, and emotional health. Panelists include representatives from Student Health Services, the Office of Advocacy and Success, and the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement.
Tiger Talk: Navigating Student Life at Clemson
Tuesday, July 9 - 6 p.m.
Hear from student life experts who will discuss the numerous involvement opportunities available to students. Our panelists will include representatives from the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement, Campus Recreation, Fraternity & Sorority Life, and the Gantt Multicultural Center. Their shared information and resources will help you as family members support your student’s co-curricular experience of Clemson University.
Tiger Talk: Family to Family Panel
Tuesday, July 16 – 6 p.m.
Members of the Clemson Family Ambassador Board will share their experiences as parents and
guardians of current Clemson students. Presenters will share advice and tips, as well as important resources available to you as Clemson families. Their shared experiences can offer a road map as you continue to support your student’s Clemson experience.
Tiger Talk: Next Steps for Success
Tuesday, August 6 – 5 p.m.
As we begin the month of August and approach the official start of your student’s first semester, we want to ensure they have the tools they need to be successful. This session will feature an overview of Welcome Week, academic expectations and resources, and internship opportunities. Staff members from the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement, the Academic Success Center, the Center for Career & Professional Development, and University Ombuds will share key dates, deadlines, and opportunities to help your student be successful in and outside the classroom.
Clemson Parent & Family Experience Portal
Our staff will engage with parents and families online over the summer through our family portal called the Clemson Parent and Family Experience. You should have already received an email inviting you to join the Clemson Parent and Family Experience. I would encourage you to join; creating an account is free. During your student’s time at Clemson, this portal will be your one-stop shop for helpful resources, campus news and important announcements from the university.
Ready, Set, Roar!
We invite you to participate in Ready, Set, Roar! —an optional two-day campus experience in June and July. This experience is an opportunity for new students, parents and families to visit campus and build connections with each other, faculty and academic staff, as well as Clemson itself. Orientation Ambassadors and Clemson staff members will guide you through the program as you hear from campus administrators and representatives from your student’s academic college/major and participate in exciting activities designed to enhance the transition to college. There is a student and guest fee associated with this program and space is limited.
Your student will receive information on how to sign up for this experience in their Clemson email account. If you wish to attend this experience along with your student, be sure your student registers you as a guest. Visit the New Student Orientation Page for more information.
Student Virtual Orientation Experience
Our Virtual Orientation Platform is now live. This module-based platform includes all information critical to your student’s success at Clemson, from campus life and traditions to academics and major-based information. The Virtual Orientation features videos from faculty and staff members, includes quizzes to track students’ comprehension, and is the only required portion of new student orientation.
As a family member, you can also participate in your own track within the Virtual Orientation, which includes much of the same information your student sees, in addition to key events, resources, and tips and tricks relevant to parents & families specifically. You are welcome to do so by clicking “Guest Login” and creating an account at Virtual Orientation Portal.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you and your student to the Clemson Family! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement or 864-656-0515.