Stay Connected
Clemson believes in partnering with our families throughout your students collegiate journey. We provide many opportunities to keep you informed throughout the year. Our goal is to support you and guide you to know many common transitional issues we see year-to-year, upcoming events and important deadlines.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities and on-campus events for families and students. Traditionally, we celebrate Fall Family Weekend during the fall semester and include a Clemson Tigers football game, and gather together for Spring Family Weekend during the spring semester and include a Clemson baseball game, as well as the Spring Football Game. During these annual events, we offer multiple opportunities for you to learn more about Clemson and spend time with your student.

Clemson Parent & Family Experience
The Center for Student Leadership and Engagement is excited to provide Clemson Parent and Family Experience, a communications portal that is designed to enhance your experience as a family member or supporter of a Clemson student. The Clemson Parent and Family Experience exists to provide you with access to news and information of interest to you as you support your student in their Clemson experience. The Clemson Parent and Family Experience is your hub for:
- Access to relevant Clemson University news, updates and deadlines
- Customized newsletters based on your interests and desired frequency
- Timely announcements from University staff direct to your email
- Insight into what's happening around campus and with our students
Parent and family member emails are automatically imported as their undergraduate student registers for New Student Orientation with Clemson University. After orientation registration is completed, a welcome email with specific instructions on how to complete the registration process for the Clemson Parent and Family Experience will be forwarded to you.
For our new parents and families, we have created a community called "2022 Spring Family Orientation". We will post information, articles, and updates about campus activities to support you as you help guide your student in their transition to Clemson campus this spring.
If the excitement is mounting and you can't wait for the welcome email, you can create an account and set up your profile today.
Once you create an account, you have the ability to personalize newsletters, from content to frequency. You can choose to receive the newsletter digest weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly.* The online portal also generates news and information specific to you and your student, all based on the personal interests (or communities) you select, such as health, safety and wellness, campus life, info for families of second year students, etc.
You can also update your email address or contact information changes via your Clemson Parent and Family Experience profile.
* Special announcements will be pushed out on the platform in a timely manner regardless of the frequency you select for the newsletter.