Faculty and Staff Resources for Study Abroad
How to get involved
Clemson University strongly encourages students to participate in study abroad programs as part of their overall academic experience. A study abroad experience serves as a vital part of a student’s academic, professional and personal growth. Faculty members play an essential role in encouraging and advising students to participate in study abroad. Faculty-directed programs are a vital means of encouraging our students to study abroad and ensuring the academic quality and integrity of programming.
Faculty-Directed Programs
Around 50% of Clemson study abroad students participate in a faculty-directed study abroad program. If you are interested in building a program, you are here to help through the process. We advise you to review the resources in this section and contact our office if you have any questions.
Faculty-Directed Program Policies and Procedures
- Study Abroad Fee and Withdrawal Financial Policy
- Policy for Development and Review Process for Clemson Sponsored Study Abroad Programs
- How to Propose a Program
- Policy for Study Abroad Programs Leader Eligibility
Planning Resources