Building a New Program
How to get started
We're glad you’re interested in offering a faculty-directed program through Clemson! This opportunity can be a very rewarding experience — not only for your student participants, but for you, the program leader, as well. At the same time, faculty-directed programs require a lot of work, from design and approval, to marketing, teaching and traveling. The most successful programs are those in which the program leaders collaborate well with education abroad professionals to ensure consistency of information and timely development of the program’s course.
If you are interested in meeting to discuss creating a new program, please complete this short interest form.

Developing Faculty-Directed Program Proposals
Individuals who wish to develop and lead a study abroad program must complete a proposal and receive approval through their respective departments, colleges and the Office of Global Engagement (OGE). This process applies to all study abroad programs regardless of their length. Program budgets are developed in the Office of Global Engagement along with other essential components of programming, such as acceptance of applications, pre-departure orientation, obtaining insurance and required release documents. Individuals and departments should not collect monies or payments for program fees.
Please review our flowchart and implementation timeline for developing a faculty-directed program (PDF).
For new programs, proposals are reviewed at the pre-proposal stage by the program leader’s College Global Engagement Committee. Please see the Academic Council’s policy (PDF) for additional information. Pre-proposal applications (PDF) are due 18 months prior to the proposed program start date. Please email to discuss your pre-proposal with our office.
Developing Exchange Program Proposals
If you are interested in developing an exchange program, please review the information for this process.
Travel to High-Risk Destinations
Program proposals, including travel to a country with a level 3 or 4 Travel Warning from the U.S. Department of State, require an additional review from the High-Risk Travel Advisory Group prior to approval.
Resources for Program Development
Policies and Procedures
Please review the policies and procedures established by the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad in order to successfully develop your study abroad program.
Planning and Implementation Resources
Please review these templates and information to assist you in the planning and implementation of your study abroad program.
Global Challenges Coursework
In Fall 2022, Clemson implemented a new general education curriculum referred to as Crossings. Within the general education curriculum, each student is required to complete six credit hours of Global Challenge coursework. Global Challenges coursework has replaced the Cross-Cultural Awareness Requirement.