How Do I Get Started?
The Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad is dedicated to helping you study abroad, supporting your exchange experience and planning your faculty-directed program. We want to answer your academic questions and provide the specific resources you need to travel internationally.
Who Are You?
Clemson Students
Clemson University enables students to participate in education abroad on dozens of programs worldwide. Our office advises each student based on their individual interests, goals and academic needs.
Incoming Exchange Students
To apply as an incoming exchange student to Clemson University, there must be an established exchange agreement between your home institution and Clemson University. In addition, your home institution must nominate you to participate in the exchange.
Faculty & Staff Resources
Faculty members play an essential role in encouraging and advising students to participate in education abroad programs.
Family Guidance
Education abroad will likely be one of the most rewarding and challenging events of your student's college experience. As a parent or family member, we appreciate that you want to know as much as possible about studying abroad.