Campus Organizations

Web Banner – Two female students holding a Solid Green sign

  • Biosystems Engineering Club
    • A social, academic support and environmental activism group open to all those interested in the field of biosystems engineering.
  • Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries
    • A Clemson-based, collaborative student initiative designed to bring sustainable development to third-world countries, providing technical support to projects across the globe.
  • Clemson Sustainable Agriculture Program
    • A program that promotes sustainable practices in agriculture through research and educational outreach. The Student Organic Farm is a part of this program and offers practical experience for those at Clemson. 
  • CUSG Sustainability Committee 
    • The Undergraduate Student Government has established the Sustainability Committee in order to unite all sustainability efforts on campus and better connect the undergraduate student body and the administration in sustainability issues. The CUSG Sustainability Committee also stimulates sustainability projects on Clemson’s campus with the Student Sustainability Initiative fund.  
  • Eco-Reps
    • The Ecology Representatives (Eco-Reps) Program was established in 2011 to better educate and raise awareness about supporting a sustainable lifestyle, specifically within on-campus residences. 
  • Engineers Without Borders
    • A student-run chapter dedicated to providing sustainable solutions to issues in developing countries. 
  • Solid Green 
    • A club aimed at raising awareness of waste on campus, recycling, energy conservation, water conservation and other environmental issues.
  • Tigers for Green Innovation 
    • A club that strives to push sustainability to the forefront of Clemson University through education and innovation. Tigers for Green Innovation hosts an annual Sustainability Summit on Clemson’s campus.
  • Clemson UNICEF 
    • A club that promotes UNICEF’s global work and fundraises to support all the efforts and beliefs presented by UNICEF international. The Clemson chapter aims to give back to disadvantaged communities through service work.