Housing and Dining

Dining Services
Clemson Dining Services has implemented numerous sustainable practices, such as local sourcing, food composting, use of EcoProducts, food waste minimization and recycling (including fryer oil) to be used in the dining facilities.
Learn More About Clemson’s Sustainable Dining
On-Campus Housing
With over 6,000 students living on-campus, it is paramount that housing on Clemson's campus is sustainable in all aspects. In residence halls, individual rooms are given personal recycling bins for students to use to recycle at communal bins in their place of residence. Housing provides mass recycling opportunities for cardboard during move-in and move-out, as well as partners with the community to promote donating certain unwanted items. Education has also been a pivotal part of increasing housing sustainability. The Ecology Representatives (Eco-Reps) Program was established in 2011 to better educate and raise awareness about supporting a sustainable lifestyle, specifically within on-campus residences. The Eco-Reps promote sustainability in their communities through facilitation of dialogues, leadership opportunities and events.