Ethics/Safety Hotline
Every employee and member of the community can play a vital part in helping Clemson adhere to our Standards of Ethical Conduct by reporting items of concern.
For events presenting an immediate threat to life or property, call 911.
We offer several options for confidential or anonymous reporting powered by Lighthouse Services.
Call: 1-877-503-7283 (1-877-50FRAUD) or
Examples of Items to Report
Financial: Accounting or internal control issues, fraud, theft, or other financial issues.
Safety: Unsafe conditions, environmental issues, or other safety matters.
Research: Issues dealing with the rights and welfare of research subjects, research misconduct, proposals, protocols, or other research matters.
Academic: Misrepresentation of credentials, academic dishonesty, and other academic violations.
Human Resources: Harassment, discrimination, threats, or other forms of misconduct.
Information Systems: Data privacy, confidentiality, or other waste or abuse of resources or information.
Athletics: All issues dealing with the University’s athletic department or programs.
Regular business matters that do not require anonymity should be directed to the employee’s supervisor and should not be submitted using this service.
Whistleblower Policy:
In accordance with South Carolina State Law, this policy confirms that any person who makes a “good faith” allegation about misconduct, including violations of law, regulations or University policies and procedures will not be subject to retaliation by the University or anyone within its control. Download complete Whistleblower Policy.
If you choose not to use the Ethics/Safety hotline reporting options, you may:
- Visit Internal Auditing at 391 College Avenue, Suite 402, Clemson, SC
- Call Internal Auditing at 864-656-2387
- Contact the Office of University Compliance and Ethics or the Office of General Counsel.
- Call the State Inspector General at 1-855-723-7283 (1-855-SC-Fraud)
- File a complaint online at the State Inspector General’s website.

You can report ethics or safety concerns using Clemson University’s confidential hotline.