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Academic Advising

Resources for Academic Advisors

Frequently Asked Questions for advisors

Advising procedures and policies vary college by college and department by department. This page attempts to provide general information for faculty and professional advisors to improve the registration process. Check the departmental web pages or the Registrar's website for more specific information. 

For more information, contact a member of the Advising Leads Team

Advising Leads Team
Julie Dingle Katie Black Stephanie Evans Robert Massey
Education Science CBSHS Honors Athletics
Megan Bolt Gerron Scott Allysa Sutton Londan Charley Leslie Moreland
  • When should I meet with my assigned advisees?

    Academic advisors are expected to provide opportunities to meet with assigned advisees each Fall and Spring term prior to the opening of registration (see the academic calendar for specific dates). Advisors are strongly encouraged to provide opportunities for advisees to schedule appointments throughout the academic year. Topics may include schedule adjustments, academic forgiveness, approvals to take coursework elsewhere, major/minor/concentration exploration, academic eligibility (probation, suspension, dismissal), general check-in, etc.

  • How will I know how many advisees I have and who they are?

    To identify your assigned academic advisees, log into iROAR. Select Faculty/advisor Self-Service. Select Advising Student Profile. Select the term. Select View My Advisee Listing. You may also view a list of your assigned academic advisees in CU Navigate.

  • How can I get information about a student's academic progress?

    CU Navigate offers a snapshot of a student's progress, including academic status information. Log into CU Navigate. Select the student you would like to review. You can review the student's degree audit in DegreeWorks and Student Advising Profile in iROAR. Click here for help in accessing the degree audits. 

  • Why are students required to meet with their assigned academic advisor?

    All students are required to meet with their assigned academic advisor at least once per term. You are the only person who should provide students with their registration PIN, which allows them to register for classes! Academic advisors should not provide their assigned academic advisees the registration PIN without meeting with them first. Academic advisors should not provide registration PINs to students who are not their assigned academic advisees.

    Even outside of the pre-registration advising period, you are the primary person who will support students regarding all undergraduate advising needs. Self-advised students may make mistakes that can impede timely graduation.

  • Can I leave degree audits from DegreeWorks outside my office and just let students pick them up?

    No. That would violate FERPA regulations (view more FERPA information).

    All students are required to meet with their assigned academic advisor at least once per term. (See Question #4) Advising is teaching. advisors should provide opportunities for students to ask questions about degree audits, so they may learn to (a) interpret the degree audit for themselves; (b) read and understand the catalog; and (c) make informed decisions moving forward in their academic careers.

  • What is the credit limit for registration? How can that limit be increased?

    First-semester and transfer students are limited to 17 hours. Students on academic probation are limited to registration in 16 credits. To have that limit raised to 19, the assigned academic advisor should e-mail regserv@clemson.eduAll other undergraduate students are limited to registration in 19 credit hours. The day before classes begin, credit hours are automatically increased to 21 (except those on academic probation). Students who wish to register for more than 21 credits must have the approval of their assigned academic advisor. The assigned academic advisor should e-mail to have the 21-credit limit increased beginning the Monday after classes begin.

  • What if a student wishes to take a course somewhere other than Clemson?

    A student may attend any regionally accredited community college, technical school or university and earn credit for coursework completed as outlined on the Course Transfer Information Page.

  • How do I know if a course taken at another institution is equivalent to a Clemson course?

    Academic advisors and students may determine course equivalency by checking the online Transfer Credit Equivalency List (TCEL). To earn credit for coursework completed:

    • The course in question must be determined equivalent to a Clemson course through evaluation by faculty in the department in which it is taught.
    • The student must complete a Credits to be Earned at Other Schools (PDF)prior to enrolling in the course. This form requires approval from the student's assigned academic advisor and must be submitted to Enrolled Student Services.
    • Verify that taking the course(s) will not violate the Residency Requirement (see instructions with the form).
    • The student must earn a C or higher in the course.
    • The student must submit an official transcript to the Office of Enrolled Student Services in 104 Sikes Hall.
  • What if a course or school isn't in the TCEL?

    Students should connect with the department in which the course is taught. For example, Clemson's math faculty evaluates a math course. There are designated course evaluators for every department here. The Department may require a course description or syllabus to identify the correct course equivalency. Students should gather as much information about the course they took as possible to assist departments in course evaluation.

  • How do enrolled students change their major?

    Enrolled students who wish to change their academic program must submit the Undergraduate Change of Academic Program (COAP) request in the Student Records tab in iROAR. The form must be reviewed by both the current and new academic departments. Many academic departments have established one or more conditions, such as a minimum GPA, an application process, etc., that must be satisfied before approving a student's request to change academic programs. Students are usually assigned the curriculum year in effect at the time of the academic program change. Students should gain acceptance to the new academic program before disengaging from the current one. Review the information outlined here at the following links:

  • What if a student wants to declare a minor?

    The Undergraduate Announcements list all available minors. A "what if" degree audit in iROAR may be run to determine courses needed and how courses already completed may count towards a minor. Some courses listed for a minor have prerequisites not shown in the minor list. Once a minor is selected, students should cross-reference course options or requirements in the minor with the prerequisites listed in the courses of instruction found in the Undergraduate Announcements. Enrolled students who wish to declare a minor must submit the Undergraduate Change of Academic Program request in the Student Records tab in iROAR. Students. The student's assigned advisor, or designee, must approve the form. Minor code abbreviations for the form can be found online here. Review the information outlined at the following links:

  • Can registration affect financial aid?

    Yes, it can. However, there are too many types of financial aid to become an expert on all of them. The best strategy is to refer a student directly to the Office of Student Financial Aid. They can review an individual student's financial aid package and advise them accordingly.

  • What do I tell a student who says there are no seats in the class they want? Review the information here.

    Students may also contact the registration coordinator for advice.

  • What other things should I discuss with my advisees?

    Registration is an excellent time to discuss with students their academic progress, career options and activities outside the classroom. Concerns are often disclosed and can be resolved before they become more challenging to address. This conversation is often when critical referrals are made to campus resources like the Academic Success Center, Career for Career and Professional Development and Office of Student Financial Aid.

Change of Academic Program FAQ