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Experiential Learning

Collage of students who are abroad, performing a medical procedure and working in a laboratory

What is Experiential Learning?

ExL activities are those that take the student beyond the traditional lecture learning experience and bring the content to life by exploration/discovery, creation of tangible or intangible works, honing skills, or clarifying values (Kolb, 1984).

The purpose of experiential learning

Research demonstrates participation in ExL can lead to: 

  • Enhanced learning 
  • Acquistion of transferable skills (for example: leadership, communication, problem solving, critical thinking) 
  • Acquisition of specific, discipline-related skills 
  • Improvement of academic performance 
  • Greater success post-graduation 
  • Enhanced overall student experience
Clemson University ExL logo

Student Ambassador Program

If you are passionate about the value that Experiential Learning has brought you, consider signing up to be a Student Ambassador! We are looking for students to help promote ExL across campus through activities like tabling, social media promotion and possibly a feature on our website. Contact us to get involved!

Abby Fleig wearing a purple Clemson sweatshirt while smiling.

“One of the reasons that I love Clemson’s program is that you have a hands-on experience in your first year. That’s one of the things that drew me to Clemson. In almost every major, you get in your field right away and get a taste of it one way or another. It helped me realize this is what I actually want to do.”

Abby Fleig
Secondary Education and History ’22
Michelle Cauley's headshot

“Experiential Learning is so critical in positioning students for success in the marketplace. Having partnered with real-world global, national, and regional clients in my classes, I see the impact these hands-on applications make in bringing theory and textbook information to life! Not only do students develop meaningful skills they can apply in the workforce, they are also about to lean on these experiences in interviews and strengthen their resumes.”

Michelle Cauley
Wilber O. and Ann Powers College of Business

    Experiential Learning Blog