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NRT RIES Distinguished Speaker Series
Dr. Steven Booth from Los Alamos National Laboratory
- His seminar is October 28th from 4-5:15 in the Watt Center Auditorium.
- Dr. Booth will be presenting on "Economic Support to Los Alamos National Laboratory Management Decisions” and will be giving an overview of Los Alamos history and programs. He will provide examples of how business case analysis is applied to justify recapitalization decisions for a machine shop and how risk and uncertainty can be modeled to support project management.
Dr. Phebe Vayanos from the University of Southern California
- Her seminar is November 11th
- Dr. Vayanos research aims to address fundamental questions in data-driven optimization (a.k.a. prescriptive analytics) with aim to tackle real-world decision- and policy-making problems in uncertain and adversarial environments. My work is motivated by resource allocation problems that are important for social good, such as those arising in public health, public safety and security, public housing, biodiversity preservation, and education.
Join the RIES Program for our Spring Student Research Summit
Check out 15 minute presentation abstracts here
Past Events
NRT RIES Distinguished Speaker Series
Dr. Joshua White from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- His seminar is March 25th from 1-2:15pm in the Watt Center Auditorium.
- Dr. White will be presenting on on how geomechanical interactions play a central role in the performance of many infrastructure systems—notably geotechnical structures, hydrocarbon reservoirs, carbon sequestration sites, and geothermal plants. This talk will provide an overview of open research challenges in computational methods for modeling geo-systems, highlighting recent progress and areas where future work could have a significant impact.
Dr. Riccardo Boero from Los Alamos National Laboratory
- His seminar is April 8th from 1-2:15 pm in the Watt Center Auditorium.
- Dr. Boero will be presenting on the accurate assessment of the economic impact of an infrastructure is a key element of its cost/benefit analysis and an essential contribution to the analysis of its resilience and sustainability. This presentation will focus on innovative approaches to the estimation of the high-fidelity data necessary for to the economic impact analysis of infrastructures across several scales and on a few examples of their application. In particular, we will present approaches to the estimation of the data that is necessary to model the local economy served by the infrastructure and to quantify the relationship between the infrastructure and the economy.
Dr. Dan Negrut from the University of Wisconsin - Madison
- His seminar is April 15th from 1-2:15pm in the Watt Center Auditorium
- Dr. Negrut will be presenting on how a Lagrangian perspective on dynamics is used to capture the time evolution of complex systems, e.g., granular flows, fluid-solid interaction problems, etc. In this context, the aspects that turn out to be more challenging are tied to the handling of friction, contact, geometry, large deformations and numerical solution scaling. The talk will highlight modeling and numerical solution techniques developed to address several of these challenges. Our solution methodology contributions have been implemented in an open-source simulation platform called Chrono, which is available on GitHub and used by hundreds of individuals to analyze large multi-physics dynamics problems. The talk will touch on several applications tied to granular dynamics, 3D printing and additive manufacturing, robotics, and ground vehicle mobility.
Dr. David Phillips from United States Naval Academy
- His seminar is May 2nd from 1-2:15 pm