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Academic Success Center

Academic Coaching

The Academic Success Center offers free academic coaching designed to help students identify their personal success goals and learn success strategies for achieving those goals. You can meet one-on-one with a professional academic coach who can help you to see yourself, your skills and your study habits from a fresh perspective, as well as support you with establishing and sustaining a more effective routine for learning and studying. Work with your coach to create a tailored academic plan for success based on your learning needs.

Before scheduling an appointment with an academic coach, please review our Academic Coaching Roles and Responsibilities.

Please note: Academic coaches do not provide academic advising-related guidance. For questions and concerns related to academic advising, students need to contact their assigned academic advisor. Additionally, academic coaches are not trained mental health professionals. Students with mental health concerns will be referred to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Scheduling an Academic Coaching Appointment

Browse below by appointment category and get the information you need to schedule your appointment.

First-Time Appointments

Please complete the questionnaire below to give your prospective coach information about you, what your goals are and how they can tailor their approach to help you succeed. Complete the questionnaire and schedule your first academic coaching session using the links below.

Complete the Questionnaire and Schedule the First Coaching Appointment

Follow-Up Appointments

To schedule a follow-up session with an academic coach, please click the link below.

Schedule your Follow Up Appointments

Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) is a series of questions that can help you become more aware of your behaviors, attitudes and beliefs as a student. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and you will receive your report immediately upon completion. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with an academic coach to review your LASSI results and discuss next steps.

Please keep in mind the LASSI is not a predictor of success. Time, place and other circumstances can affect your scores. Your results are a starting point, not the whole picture of you as a student. The LASSI describes your current behaviors, not your ability or potential. Finally, the LASSI is not measuring what you know, but rather what you do.

By completing the LASSI, you can gain useful insights about your learning strengths as well as areas for growth. Conversations with your academic coach can be tailored to your LASSI results to help you gain greater awareness about learning and study strategies that can be beneficial to you.

Academic Success Center (ASC)
Academic Success Center (ASC) | 836 McMillan Rd. Clemson, SC 29634-5126