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Academic Success Center

Success Resources

In addition to a variety of free services such as tutoring, peer-assisted learning (PAL), academic coaching and success strategy workshops, the ASC offers other valuable resources to help new and continuing students to succeed at Clemson. Whether you're struggling to grasp a concept in class, working to establish effective study and learning skills, or you simply want to get off to a good start in your college career, you can browse this page and get connected with the right tools to succeed.

Self-guided Resources

Success Strategy Worksheets

Establishing effective study, organization and time management skills is key to your success as a Clemson student. Discover self-guided worksheets to help with all of this and more — including test preparation and exam-taking strategies.

GPA Calculator

From academic forgiveness to incomplete grades, many factors can affect your grade point average (GPA). With the GPA calculator tool, you can see how various scenarios can impact your cumulative Clemson GPA including your expected grades for your current classes.

Reserve a Room

Our quiet rooms are the perfect spots to buckle down and focus on your studies or research. Book a room from 7:30 AM to 10 PM Monday-Friday or from noon to 10PM Sunday.

Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) is a series of questions that can help you become more aware of your behaviors, attitudes and beliefs as a student.

Contact Us

To learn more about ASC services and resources, contact

Academic Success Center (ASC)
Academic Success Center (ASC) | 836 McMillan Rd. Clemson, SC 29634-5126