Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)
The Academic Success Center offers free peer-led learning support designed to help you develop the confidence and skills you need to master challenging course material. Led by an undergraduate peer leader who has already successfully completed the course, tutoring and peer-assisted learning (PAL) sessions are highly interactive using activities and discussion to help you better grasp the concepts you're learning in class while also helping you develop more effective learning and studying skills.

Tutoring and PAL Resources

Tutoring Sessions
During a tutoring session, you can work with your tutor on your particular topical questions and specific course concepts and material while discussing effective study strategies that can work for you. Individual and group tutoring appointments are available.
Tutor ScheduleScheduling a Tutoring Appointment
To schedule your individual or group tutoring appointment, click the button below.
Schedule Your Appointment

Tutoring Resources in Canvas
To view tutoring-supported courses and detailed instructions on scheduling an appointment, click the button below.
Tutoring in CanvasPeer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Sessions
PAL sessions are collaborative and structured group study sessions that offer tips for success and provide opportunities for you to practice problems and ask questions in a supportive environment. PAL sessions are held weekly for 15+ foundational courses in engineering, math, science and accounting.
Attending a PAL Session

Apply to Become a Tutor or PAL leader
We’re always seeking students who are interested in helping their peers to learn and succeed, and who have successfully completed any of the courses for which tutoring and PAL is offered. If you're interested in becoming a tutor or PAL leader yourself, please click the button below.
Become a Tutor or a PAL Leader