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Business college building

Academic Advising

Academic Advising Center

140 Chandler L. Burns Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634

Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m.

A group photo of staff members wearing Clemson University apparel, showcasing a mix of orange and purple clothing.

Mission Statement

Academic advising is a collaborative effort between the student and their assigned staff academic advisor in the Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business. Through this supportive partnership, advisors are dedicated to teaching students how to access and interpret essential information to empower students to make well-informed and timely decisions that will lead to the achievement of their educational and career goals.

Advising Information

Advisors primarily serve as a resource connection point to assist students as they maintain timely degree progress, explore support services at the University, plan for special goals, etc. Advisors strive to provide the best advice possible and to anticipate problems, but it is the student's responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements (necessary classes, prerequisites, hours, GPA) have been met. You should not rely exclusively on the advisors to identify these problems. Asking questions and frequently reviewing your Degree Works audit are both important aspects of navigating your student advising experience at Clemson. Students should communicate their interest in special plans (i.e., Medical School, double major, certificate programs, study abroad, minors etc.) early in their academic careers to allow for timely discussions and appropriate completion of coursework.

Pre-Business Definition:
Pre-Business is a limited enrollment program for first-year and transfer students. It is the entry point for students planning to pursue a degree in Accounting, Economics BS, Financial Management, Management or Marketing at Clemson. To move from Pre-Business to any business major, students must complete all Pre-Business courses (listed below) and have a 2.0 cumulative GPA (cumulative 3.0 GPA is required for Marketing).

  • BUS 1010
  • ECON 2110 and 2120
  • ENGL 1030
  • MATH 1020/2070 or 1060/2070 or 1060/1080
  • Natural Science w/Lab

If a student is accepted into another major and wants to change their major to Pre-Business, they must complete the following before they can request to change their major to Pre-Business:

  • Complete 12 credit hours at Clemson
  • Have a cumulative 2.5 or higher Clemson GPA
  • Complete MATH 1020/2070 or 1060/1080 or 1060/2070
  • Complete either ECON 2110 or ECON 2120

Maximizing Your Advising Experience at Clemson

  • Student Responsibilities

    For a successful advising experience, the student is expected to do the following:

    1. Clarify their personal values, interests and goals.
    2. Monitor for emails from their Advisors - this is the primary method of communication with students. Students will be considered responsible for information disseminated in emails, even if they choose not to read them.
    3. Contact and make appointments with the advisor when required or when in need of assistance.
      • If unable to keep the appointment, the student will notify the advisor in a timely manner (at least one business day before the appointment when possible).
      • Appointments should be made in a timely manner when Advisors request an appointment, especially for pre-registration advising. Failure to respond in a timely manner may delay registration.
    4. Become knowledgeable and adhere to institutional policies, procedures and requirements. Students should then discuss any follow-up questions with advisors before taking final action, when possible.
    5. Be an active learner by participating in the advising experience, including arriving at advising sessions prepared with appropriate resources or materials.
    6. Follow through on actions identified during each advising session in a timely manner.
    7. Ask questions if you don't understand an issue or have a concern.
    8. Accept final responsibility for all decisions.
  • Advisor Responsibilities

    For a successful advising experience, the advisor is expected to do the following:

    1. Help students define and develop realistic educational career plans.
    2. Monitor progress toward educational/career goals.
    3. Communicate University instructional policies, procedures and requirements.
    4. Discuss all designated educational transactions (e.g., schedule, drop and adds, withdrawals, changes of major, course substitutions and graduation requirements)
    5. Identify student's needs and make appropriate referrals to available resources as necessary, including those that may require intervention by other professionals.
    6. Develop a caring relationship with advisees.
    7. Provide available times to meet with advisees before registration begins.
    8. Maintain advising documentation on each student in their caseload.
  • Tips for Success
    1. Be proactive and schedule an appointment with your assigned academic advisor as soon as you are notified that pre-registration advising has begun or any other time during the semester when you need assistance.
    2. If you schedule an advising appointment, attend the appointment or cancel the appointment as soon as you know you will not be able to attend.
    3. Inform your academic advisor whenever you have a change in your educational plan - such as changing your major, adding a minor, deciding to take (or not) take summer courses, withdrawing from courses, etc.
    4. Be an active participant in the advising experience. This is your education, and you should be knowledgeable about the requirements for your major.
    5. Register for your recommended courses as close to your registration time ticket as possible (without skipping class).
    6. Although your advisor is available to assist you as you work towards completing the requirements for your Business major, in the end, it is your responsibility to be aware of your academic standing at all times.

Academic Advising Center

140 Chandler L. Burns Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634

Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m.

Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634