Dan Harding

Director, Community Research and Design Center (CR+DC) and Professor of Architecture
School of Architecture
Office: Lee 3-105
Phone: 864-506-6645
Email: hardin4@clemson.edu
M.Arch., Clemson University; B.A. in Architecture, UNC Charlotte
Additional Title(s):
Robert Mills Professor 2015/16
Director of Community Research & Design Center (CR+DC)
Professor of Architecture and Community Design+Build
Dan Harding is a Professor of Architecture and Community Design+Build and serves as the director of the Community Research and Design Center (CR+DC) and the Architecture + communityBUILD graduate certificate program (A+cB) striving to ensure that South Carolina communities intently embrace the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainability. In 2013, DesignIntelligence named Harding as one of the thirty most influential design educators in the country, citing the impact of his community-centric work.
His methodology seeks to establish a sound connection between community, sinuous public space, and a social justice demanding a better and more sustainable interface between the built environment, natural environment, and the human experience. Constructive education, recreation systems, local food, affordable creative housing, and identifying community assets are paramount to his professional and research agenda. Exploring the impact architecture and strategic design+building projects can have on increasing stakeholder participation and collaborative education has become critical to Harding’s efforts.
Through strategic integration of this agenda into the design studio, Harding’s students consistently demonstrate excellence and innovation. Their work has been awarded notable national and international design awards for competitions, built projects, and community initiatives from the ACSA, AIA, and others.
Professionally, Harding was the founding partner and principal design director from 1998-2013 of Intrinsik Architecture, a full service architecture, planning, and design+build practice based in Bozeman, Montana, which has been awarded numerous state and national AIA design awards as well as other accolades for its design+build projects. Several of these projects have also been recipients of ACSA faculty design awards. Prior to joining the faculty at Clemson University in 2009, Harding was a practicing design studio adjunct at Montana State University from 1996-2006.
In addition to lecturing and exhibiting his work internationally, Harding promotes his agenda for balanced and well-connected communities by demonstrating the benefits of creativity and design consciousness through program development and his active fellowships. A Fellow of the Clemson University Institute for Parks, a Service-Learning Faculty Fellow, and an inaugural member of Creative Professors at Clemson, Harding also developed and implemented an off-campus architecture minor program offered at the Charles E Daniel Center for Building Research and Urban Studies located in Genoa, Italy. To promote design awareness, the minor program affords future leaders in other disciplines the introduction to architecture.