Jason D. Lucas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and CSM Undergraduate Program Director
Nieri Department of Construction and Real Estate Development
Office: 2-136 Lee Hall
Phone: 540-808-7603
Schedule an Appointment: mailto:jlucas2@clemson.edu
Email: jlucas2@clemson.edu
Ph.D. in Environmental Design and Planning, Virginia Tech (2012); M.S. in Building Construction Science and Management, Virginia Tech (2008); B. Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology (2004)
Materials and Methods of Construction - Wood Framing, Residential Construction Management, Residential Construction Practice, Residential Construction Management Studio I & II
Research Interests
Research interests include workforce development and recruitment, advancing construction education through the use of technology, the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to support the lifecycle of a building, safety in construction, and various topics related to residential construction.
Dr. Lucas comes to Clemson with diverse experience in architecture and construction in both the private and public sectors of construction, including working for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in their design and contract management divisions and for various construction and architecture firms involved in such activities as preliminary design, construction document preparation and producing permit drawings for homes across the northeastern portion of the U.S. Beyond his teaching and research responsibilities, Dr. Lucas serves as the faculty advisor for the student chapter of the National Association of Home Builders and faculty coach for their competition team. He is also involved in the local Greenville HBA and national NAHB Student Chapters Advisory Board. He also serves as the Chair of the American Institute of Constructors (AIC) Publications Committee and Editor of their bi-annual professional journal, the Professional Constructor.
Professional/Research Links
National Housing Endowment HELP Grant Recipient; Jobsite Safety Insitute Funding; Roofing Alliance - Roofing Industry Center
Selected Professional Works
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
Sai P., S., and Lucas, J. (2024). Mixed Reality for in-field Construction Activities: A Systematic Literature Review to Identify Challenges and Solutions, The Professional Constructor, 49(1): 37-49, https://aic-builds.org/resources/journal/
Lucas, J., Gajjar, D., Loadholt, G., and Davis, D. (2023). Understanding roofing distributor employee job perception to address recruitment and retention of workers, Construction Economics and Building, 23(3/4):1-24, DOI: https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/
Lucas, J., Bausman, D., Magxaka, M., and Haidary, T. (2023). Benchmarking Residential Contractors’ Perspective on Safety in the South Eastern U.S., The Professional Constructor, 48(1): 60-79.
Lucas, J., Bausman, D., Magxaka, M., and Haidary, T. (2023). Towards best practices for residential carpentry safety: Multiple case study analysis, Safety Science, 158(2023): 105983, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105983
Magxaka M., Gajjar, D., and Lucas, J. (2023). Project Close-Out for HVAC Mechanical Contractors: Current Practices, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(1); 05022016, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/JCEMD4.COENG-12394
Gajjar, D., Lucas, J. and David, D. (2022). Understanding Employee Perception to Promote Management Level Workforce Development for Roofing Contractors. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/15578771.2022.2049663
Thabet, W., Lucas, J., and Srinivasan, S. (2022). Linking life cycle BIM data to a facility management system using Revit Dynamo. Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: an International Journal, 14(1): 2539-2558, DOI 10.2478/otmcj-2022-0001
Lucas, J. and Gajjar, D. (2021). Influence of virtual reality on student learning in undergraduate construction education, International Journal of Construction Education and Research, DOI: 10.108/15578771.2021.1931570
Lucas, J. (2020). Rapid development of Virtual Reality based construction sequence simulations: a case study, ITcon Vol. 25, pg. 72-86, https://doi.org/10.36680/j.itcon.2020.004
Conference Presentations (Delivered)
Magxaka, M. and Lucas, J. (2024). “In pursuit of an affordable home-ownership development framework for smaller towns in South Carolina: Case study of Brawley Street Development – Spartanburg, South Carolina,” 7th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, March 27-28, 2024, State College, PA. Pp: 595 – 604. https://www.phrc.psu.edu/assets/docs/Publications/2024RBDCCPapers/2024-RBDCC-Proceedings.pdf
Lucas, J., Gajjar, D., Magxaka, M., and Bharadwaj, B. (2023). “HVAC Mechanical Contractors Framework for effective Project Close-Out.” 59th Annual Schools of Construction International Conference, April 3-5, 2023, Liverpool UK: https://doi.org/10.29007/5jm1
Gajjar, D., Lucas, J., Viswanathan, G., and Davis, D. (2023). “Understanding Career Opportunities for Construction Graduates within the Roofing Industry Distributor Sector.” 59th Annual Schools of Construction International Conference, April 3-5, 2023, Liverpool UK. https://doi.org/10.29007/cj1w
Beates, L. and Lucas, J. (2022). “Case Study: The Effect of Homeowner Behavior on Energy-Efficiency in a High-Performance Home” 6th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, May 11-12, 2022, State College, PA.
Lucas, J., Gajjar, D., Davis, D., and Loadholt, G.T. (2022). “Evaluating Various job Functions to Map a Typical Career Path in the Roofing Industry” 58th Annual Schools of Construction International Conference, April 20-23, 2022, Atlanta, GA. (Presenting Author) https://doi.org/10.29007/kq4k
Lucas, J. and Gajjar, D. (2020). “Effects of Virtual Reality on Student Learning in Materials and Methods Course” 56th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference (Online): https://doi.org/10.29007/qm9s
Burgett, J., Lucas, J., and Magxaka, M. (2020). “iDUC: Solution to Address Common Challenges of State Agency Drone Deployment” 56th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference (Online). https://doi.org/10.29007/5l52
Lucas, J., Bausman, D., Magxaka, M., and Haidary, T. (2020). “Advancing Best Practices for Safety in Residential Construction” 2020 Construction Research Congress, March 8-10, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona https://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/9780784482872.019
The Roofing Industry Center: Transforming the roofing workforce via industry and academic collaboration (Roofing Alliance Grant, $1,006,229 April 2024 – July 2028 – CO-PI – 30%) PI: Dhaval Gajjar; CO-PI: Vivek Sharma, Clemson Nieri Department of Construction, Development, and Planning
HablaSeguro: Creating a Safer Jobsite Application to Overcome a Communication Gap (Jobsite Safety Institute (JSI), $30,375 August 2024 – August 2025 – Primary Investigator – 60%) CO-PI: Shima Clarke
Sustainability and Resiliency Efforts for the Roofing Industry (Roofing Alliance Grant, $169,776) April 2023 – August 2025 Co-Investigator (50%) PI: Dhaval Gajjar, Clemson Nieri Department of Construction, Development, and Planning