Hyejung Chang, MLA, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
School of Architecture
Office: Lee 3-120
Phone: (505) 506-1236
Email: hyejunc@clemson.edu
Ph.D. in Design, North Carolina State (2009); Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (2001); BS in Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul, South Korea (1992)
Research Interests: Environmental ethics, Landscape aesthetics, typology, and phenomenology in Design & Theory.
Hyejung Chang earned a BS in landscape architecture from the University of Seoul, South Korea (1992), an MLA from the University of Minnesota (2001), and her Ph.D. in Design from North Carolina State University (2009). Her research interest includes landscape aesthetics, ethics, typology, and phenomenology applicable to place-making. Her recent journal articles and book chapters research exhibit a critical framework of aesthetic and ethical accounts of landscapes to promote healthy communities, just environments, and human well-being:
Chang, Hyejung. 2020 “Propositions for the Urban Aesthetics of Continuity” Sage Open 10(3): 1–13
Chang, Hyejung. 2020. “7. Design for Humanity: Landscape Architecture of Understanding, Feeling, and Care.” In Landscape Handbook of All Hands, edited by Kim, Y., 236–251 (288 pages) Seoul, South Korea: Han-soop (ISBN 979-11-87511-18-2 93520).
Chang, Hyejung. 2018. “Environmental Justice as Justification for Landscape Architectural Design. “Landscape Journal 37(2): 1–17 (DOI: 10.3368/lj.37.2.1)
Chang, Hyejung. 2015. “An Aesthetic and Ethical Account of Genius Loci.”In Architecture, Culture and Spirituality, edited by T. Barrie, J. Bermudez, and P. Tabb, 71¬81. New York: Routledge (ISBN 9781472441713).
Selected Professional Works
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
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