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College of Architecture, Art and Construction

Brooks Harris Stevens

Brooks Harris Stevens

Lecturer of Art

Department of Art

M.F.A., East Carolina University; B.F.A. Savannah College of Art and Design


Working as an inter-disciplinary artist I escape in the creation of work that is deeply rooted in the history of textiles. I seek to express my personal experiences and relationship with cloth using various materials and techniques that are associated within my human experience. These cultivated experiences help to inform every choice of material, each stitch, cut and fold when making work. Just as I am drawn to the touch of materials and their inherent qualities, I equally rely on personal experiences that ultimately unify concept with technique.

Over the past several years my work has shifted to focus on various cultural observations through a universal act of mending. The common act of mending is one that has been practiced worldwide since the making of utilitarian objects connecting us all to the use, understanding and appreciation of how these objects and materials serve significant roles in our lives. The understanding and love of cloth is one that continually drives my curiosity and artistic interpretation of our world. I find value in not always taking the traditional route regarding my artwork as it is important to discover new ways of creating work that advances the ever-changing boundaries in textiles. Through the repetitive acts of mending worn cloth, the landscape and the built environment allow me to find a place of discovery and understanding while making.

College of Architecture, Art and Construction
College of Architecture, Art and Construction | Lee 1-151, Clemson, SC 29634