Julie Wilkerson, Architect

Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture
Office: Lee 1-158
Email: wilker3@clemson.edu
M.Arch., Clemson University (1990); Bachelor of Interior Design, Auburn University (1983)
ARCH 3500 Introduction to Urban Context; ARCH 4520 Synthesis Studio; ARCH 3510 Studio Clemson; ARCH 3530/8520/8570 Genoa Fluid Studio.
Julie Wilkerson is a registered architect in South Carolina (1993) and partner in Wilkerson Architects, LLC (1997). She serves Clemson University as a Senior Lecturer in Architecture and in 2014 she was awarded the Clemson National Scholars Program Award of Distinction. As a part-time faculty her pedagogy follows an interest in writing architectural briefs which focus on narrative and literary architectural themes. Coupled with deciphering city settlement patterns to discover cultural literacy as evidence of human practices and experience. Her interest seeks to broaden student awareness, their connection to the built environment, and an understanding that what lies on the surface is evidence of a deeper cultural practice, social agreement, and representation which informs the human experience. Professionally, before teaching at Clemson University, she worked in South Florida for Edward Durrell Stone and associates in design and planning for golf and country club developments, limited delivery contracts for the U.S. government, minimal residential contracts, and FF&E packages for multiple clients. After completing her M.Arch degree she worked for Craig Gaulden Davis and associates in Greenville SC and was involved with multiple performing arts and cultural event project types, churches, chapels, educational, commercial property adaptation, and residential design and renovation. She was invited to teach part-time in the undergraduate curriculum in 1992 and continued to practice and teach bridging the gap between the academy and practice until 1995 when she was invited to teach full-time in the graduate school where she thrived until 2000. From 2000-2011 she took an extended leave of absence and concentrated on her practice and growing family. In 2011 she was invited to teach again and has remained and enjoyed part-time teaching. Her most recent appointment as the PIR, professor in residence for two academic years at the Daniel Center for Building Research and Urban Studies located in Genoa Italy. This Fluid Campus experience is and was extraordinary, while the spring 2021 semester was taught via Zoom during the pandemic and the other three semesters (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Fall 2022) were in residence in Genoa Italy.