Laurel Bartlett, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Master of Science in Historic Preservation
School of Architecture
Ph.D. Planning, Design, and the Built Environment, Clemson University (2019); M.S. Historic Preservation, Clemson University (2013); B.A. Political Science, Geneseo State University (2005)
Laurel Bartlett received her Doctorate in Planning, Design, and the Built Environment (PDBE) from Clemson University with a concentration in Historic Preservation, focusing her research on visitor use and impact at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Professionally, she is trained as an Architectural Historian and currently works in private practice in the cultural resource management field. Dr. Bartlett has professional Historic Preservation experience in Section 106 consultation conducting cultural resource assessments, HABS/HAER documentation, NRHP evaluations, development of MOAs and mitigation resolutions, and Federal Agency coordination. She has supervised and conducted all aspects of architectural history surveys throughout the southeast, mid-Atlantic, and western United States, including hundreds of surveys for transportation, telecom, and infrastructure-related undertakings. Laurel serves as a lecturer in American Architecture for the Clemson University/College of Charleston Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, specializing in architectural history, preservation theory, and Section 106 consultation. Her research agenda focuses on visitor impact at historic sites and the intersection of use, interpretation, and site management on material damage. Focusing on understanding usage patterns for site sustainability, she has presented at local and regional conferences on digital methods for visitor impact documentation including GPS tracking, heat mapping, and spatial usage patterns.