Caitlin Dyckman, J.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor
School of Architecture
Office: 2-319 Lee Hall
Phone: 864-656-2496
Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning, University of California at Berkeley (2005); J.D., King Hall School of Law, University of California at Davis (2001); M.C.P., University of California at Berkeley (2001); B.A. in English, University of California at Los Angeles (1997)
CRP Intro to Environmental; Water Policy;
About Dr. Dyckman: Dr. Caitlin S. Dyckman is an Associate Professor at Clemson University in the Department of City Planning and Real Estate Development. She came to Clemson in Fall 2006, after completing her Ph.D. in City & Regional Planning at U.C. Berkeley, a J.D. from the U.C. Davis King Hall School of Law, and an S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup postdoctoral fellowship in the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department at U.C. Berkeley. With both a legal and a planning background, her research focuses on national and international management issues where land (and its uses) meets water. More specifically, she pursues funded and unfunded research both collaboratively and independently on larger watershed and water policy issues, including: state water planning and interstate allocation dispute resolution; water rights restructuring in response to climate change and changing demand sectors; coastal and shoreline management innovations; integration of municipal and household-level water conservation opportunities into urban planning; and planners’ roles in federally-funded watershed-based planning. Additionally, she and her research team are examining exurban conservation easements’ spatial, fiscal, and biological fine-scale effects in regionally representative counties around the country. Dr. Dyckman currently teaches the following courses in City and Regional Planning Program: • CRP 8410: Introduction to Environmental Planning and Policy; • CRP 8010: Planning Process and Legal Foundations; • CRP 8450: Water Resources Policy and Law; and • CRP 8420: Coastal Resilience, Climate Change, and Hazard Mitigation. Professional service includes: • ACSP Southeast Representative 2020-2022 • Chair, Tigers Advocate Advisory Board, Clemson University (2019 – 2020) • Committee member, College of Arts, Architecture and Humanities’ Diversity Planning Committee, Clemson University (2018 – present) • Co-chair, Local Host Committee, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning annual conference, Greenville, SC, October 2019 Dr. Dyckman in her own words: Hometown: Albany, California. I am a proud East Bay native, and learned the walkability concept (before it was coined) from years of traipsing across Albany’s mile-square jurisdiction. What I like best about teaching at Clemson: The incredible student cohort solidarity—both during their course of study and after graduation. The Clemson network is small but extremely loyal and committed. Favorite urban planning movie: “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” Polanski’s Chinatown (1974) is one of the most engrossing movies about urban infrastructure and the corruption that made Los Angeles’s growth possible. Advice for prospective students: Choose a profession that allows you to constantly learn; you will be fulfilled and resilient throughout your life. When not teaching I . . . Am gardening, running, or researching. What students should take away from my classes: A critical ability to intellectually engage, absorb, and question, as well as a deep respect for the natural environment. Best part of the job: Sharing a profound curiosity of the “why” and “how” behind planning policies and practice with other researchers—and being able to pursue answers with meaningful and immediate results in our built environment. Why I became an urban planner: It felt innate. Favorite Cities: San Francisco, Chicago, Sienna, Montreal. If I wasn’t teaching urban planning I would be . . . Practicing water law in California.