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School of Architecture

Community Development and City Planning Minor

City Planning is multidisciplinary. The only thing we require is a passion for making our communities better places to live!

Community Development and City Planning Minor

The Community Development and City Planning minor focuses on making neighborhoods, cities and regions more vibrant, diverse, economically thriving, safe, healthy, sustainable, attractive and accessible. Students apply knowledge and approaches from diverse fields such as city planning, history, technology, engineering, sociology, economics, politics, environmental science, geography and design to gain an understanding of how places function and how to change them for the better.

Academic Catalog
CRP Minor Call to Action Image

Community Development and City Planning Minor

What is city planning?

  • Study of the people and places in which we live, from small towns to giant urban areas
  • Transportation systems
  • Environmental protection
  • Urban design and layout
  • Land use planning (deciding what developments go where)
  • Community development (helping underprivileged cities and neighborhoods)
  • Economic development 
  • Planning law
  • Housing


What background do I need to study city planning?

Anything and everything works! City planning is a very multidisciplinary, involving elements of engineering, geography, history, law, sociology, economics, political science, design, and more. There are no prerequisites. We work with students from a very wide range of backgrounds. The only thing we require is a passion for making our communities better places to live!


What can I do with a city planning degree?

City planners work in a wide range of settings in government (towns and cities, countries, regions, states, the federal government), the private sector (consulting firms), nonprofit advocacy organizations, and academia.

Most practicing planners have a professional master's degree. Our minor is a good way to see if that career path is right for you.

CRP Minor Curriculum Overview

Community Development and City Planning Minor
Core Required Courses
CRP 2010 Cities, Technology and Society  3 credits
CRP 4010 Introduction to City and Regional Planning  3 credits
CRP 4300 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems  3 credits
Credits: 9
*Courses from Various Disciplines 6 credits
Total Credits:  15


Refer to the Academic Catalog for a list of CRP courses
 Elective Courses—All Electives Must Be Approved by an CRP Advisor


How do I learn more about the CRP minor?

Contact CRP Program Director John Gaber, AICP at 

School of Architecture
School of Architecture | Lee Hall 3-130, Clemson, South Carolina 29634