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School of Architecture

Master of City and Regional Planning

The student's MCRP program culminates during the second year with the Thesis/Terminal Project course sequence. Each student selects a particular issue of study with active participation of a faculty committee selected by the student. Students interested in research may complete a thesis, while others more interested in planning practice complete a professional quality project. In either case, each student works with the committee in a two-semester sequence in the second year that leads to a completed proposal (Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology) at the end of the first semester in CRP 8580, and the completed thesis or terminal project (research findings, conclusions, recommendations, and areas for future research) by the end of the second semester in either CRP 8590 or 8910. Virtually all students complete their degrees within two years.

Faculty and students both enjoy the diversity of research topics including the opportunity to publish research and present findings at conferences.

You can find  PDF versions of student TP submissions  through the Gunnin Architecture Library website.

Recent Terminal Project and Thesis Titles

  • Planning for Retail Markets in the Twenty-first Century: An English and American Comparison (The only U.S. student winner of Great Britain 's Royal Town Institute of Planning's George Pepler International Award with travel stipend)
  • Rediscovering Its History: Urban Design Strategies for Arresting Decline in Miami Springs
  • An Analysis of Tax Increment Financing in the Southeastern United States
  • Storm Water Runoff: Best Management Practices for Protection and Enhancement of Water Quality in Urban Areas.
  • An Analysis of Transportation Corridor Preservation Techniques for Greenville County, SC
  • Analysis of Riparian Vegetative Buffer Implementation Techniques
  • Smart Growth for Everyone: Integrating Low and Moderate-Income Households into New Urbanist Design
  • An Assessment of Infrastructure Costs in the Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester County Region Based on Predicted Growth Patterns
  • Sustainable Development: Implementation Options at the Local Level
  • A Vacant Land Inventory, Analysis and Computerized Locator System for Anderson, SC
  • Re-Establishing Beale Street, Memphis, TN
  • A Proposed Tourism Planning Process for Heritage Communities
  • A Housing Typology Analysis for the City of Greenville, SC
  • Skyways in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
  • An Analysis of the Marketability, Suitability and the Feasibility of Upper Level Housing in Downtown Columbia, SC
  • Factors Influencing the Development of New Major League Baseball Stadiums
  • An Assessment of Erosion Control Options Along the South Carolina Coast
  • Will Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities Prove to be the Answer for Urban Redevelopment?
  • Using GIS Spatial Modeling to Identify Optimal Path Locations for Greenway Corridors
  • An Analysis of Residential Segregation Due to Mortgage Lending
  • Analyzing Local Visual Resource Planning Policy: Designing a GIS Tool to Model the Effect of Setback and Parking Requirements on Urban Form
  • Business Improvement Districts: A Method of Financing Downtown Revitalization Projects and Programs
  • Using GIS Modeling for Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths
  • Visualizing the Spatial Impact of Zoning in 3 Dimensions
  • Historic Inventory and Preservation for Downtown Blacksburg, SC
  • An Analysis of Affordable Housing Programs: A Look at the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
  • Adaptive Reuse: Loft Housing in Atlanta, GA


Terminal Project and Thesis Guideliness

  • Thesis Guidelines
    Thesis guidelines are governed by the Graduate School. For thesis formatting questions, contact the Graduate School at Manscript Review.

    CRP 8580 Summer Assignment for Terminal Project/Thesis

    General Information:
    • Students are encouraged to communicate with their TP/Thesis Faculty Committee Chair with any questions or for assistance.
    • Terminal Project and Thesis presentations are scheduled in November and April.
    • Terminal Project or Thesis PDF final approved version is required for TigerPrints repository, in addition to your Chair.
    • If student needs additional time to finish research and final manuscript to graduate, the submission of the GS7990 Continuous Enrollment Form (with associated fees) is required.
    • See the Gunnin Library Resource specific for City and Regional Planning research guides for access to best databases, journals, magazines, and other resources.
  • Terminal Project Guidelines
    Terminal Project Guidelines
    CRP 8580 Summer Assignment for Terminal Project/Thesis

    General Information:
    • Students are encouraged to communicate with their TP/Thesis Faculty Committee Chair with any questions or for assistance.
    • Terminal Project and Thesis presentations are scheduled in November and April.
    • Terminal Project or Thesis PDF final approved version is required for TigerPrints repository, in addition to your Chair.
    • If student needs additional time to finish research and final manuscript to graduate, the submission of the GS7990 Continuous Enrollment Form (with associated fees) is required.
    • See the Gunnin Library Resource specific for City and Regional Planning research guides for access to best databases, journals, magazines, and other resources.
  • Terminal Project and Thesis Graduate Forms

    Graduate School Academic Forms

    • GS2 process includes 1) Terminal Project/Thesis Committee Selection and 2) Plan of Study for Enrolled Services. Whenever a change occurs, a new GS2 is required.

    • GS7M Final Exam, Terminal Project or Thesis approval (Completed by TP Chair and submitted by the department to Enrolled Services).

    • GS7990 Enrollment Request (Completed by the student and submitted by the department to Enrolled Services).

  • Terminal Project and Thesis Timelines
    Graduation Candidate Timelines for Theses and Terminal Projects:
    Fall Semester
    • August
      • Meet with Faculty Advisor and/or Terminal Project or Thesis Committee Chair to select topic and research methods.
    • November
      • Complete GS2 Plan of Study with TP/Thesis Committee selection.
      • Schedule your Terminal Project or Thesis Proposal presentation via online link after email notification.
    Spring Semester
    • January
    • March
      • Schedule your Terminal Project or Thesis Defense presentation to Faculty Committee via online link after email notification.
    • April
      • Thesis project must complete GS Defense form and GS Defense calendar 10 days prior to presentation date.
      • Terminal Project and Thesis presentations to CRP Faculty Committee.
      • GS7M Terminal Project or Thesis approval required to Graduate (completed by TP Chair and submitted by department to Enrolled Services).
    • May
      • Exit Interview and Exit Survey: Graduting students will complete an Exit Survey and schedule a meeting with CRP Program Director (schedule appointment via online link after email notification).
      • Terminal Project and Thesis PDF final version required. Student is responsible for coordination of their manuscript binding for personal hardcover books.
      • Graduation Ceremony