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School of Architecture

Open Arms Youth Center

  • Space
    Open Arms Youth Center | Gauge Bethea & Autumn Hinson | ARCH 8920 | Professors Albright, Heine and Ersoy

Gauge Bethea & Autumn Hinson

ARCH 8920 | Professors Albright, Heine and Ersoy

Open Arms is an at-risk youth resource center and housing complex catered towards the LGBTQ youth in the Midtown area of Atlanta, Georgia. The intent of Open Arms is to provide a safe place for this group who are seeking shelter, hope, and inspiration by providing representation and resources. In conjunction with Midtown’s EcoDistrict Initiative, Open Arms looks to be a connection point by creating an immersive environment along the Beltline in the city of Atlanta. Through the use of internal and external light wells and courtyards, transition spaces are the link between nature and the built form. Open Arms offers affirmation resources such as clothing and barber shops for those looking to express themselves as well as educational resources in the form of tutoring spaces, study rooms, art and technology spaces and a library. A medical and dining facility is housed on site for residents and incoming youth looking for shelter. Open Arms’ medical and dining facility is the only 24-hour resource in the Midtown area catered towards LGBTQ youth and amenities such as a pantry and thrift shop are there for the community to participate in helping to provide the youth with hope and inspiration for the future. Open Arms houses 30 residents ranging in the age of 14-22 with 2 in house staff units, a communal laundry facility and a gym. Residents have a private entrance entering from the Beltline on the 3rd floor leading them to their units. Single occupancy units with their own bathroom and kitchenettes are provided for each resident to reinforce independent living and individuality during their stay at Open Arms. Through the immersion of nature, Open Arms looks to provide at-risk LGBTQ youth in the Midtown area with the resources to feel safe and independent in a space where representation and advocacy, not only for them but for the environment, is the core of its mission.

School of Architecture
School of Architecture | Lee Hall 3-130, Clemson, South Carolina 29634