Canalside MNLA Project
Canalside MNLA Project | David Mackey | RUD 8600 | Professor Wortham-Gavin
Canalside MNLA Project | David Mackey | RUD 8600 | Professor Wortham-Gavin
Canalside MNLA Project | David Mackey | RUD 8600 | Professor Wortham-Gavin
Canalside MNLA Project | David Mackey | RUD 8600 | Professor Wortham-Gavin
David Mackey
RUD 8600 | Professor Wortham-Gavin
Buffalo has a long history of being stuck in the Mid-Atlantic rust best of America. For decades, Buffalonians have longed for change for the place they call home. Canalside’s site sits along Lake Erie just at the mouth of the Erie Canal. Weather in Buffal is extreme; summers provide lots of sunlight while winters can bring feet of snow.
School of Architecture
Copyright © Clemson University
School of Architecture | Lee Hall 3-130, Clemson, South Carolina 29634