Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate research can be a transformational experience, increase the likelihood of graduation, propel you forward to graduate school, and aid in identifying purposeful career paths. The research process fosters and celebrates creativity, discovery, inquiry, and student-faculty connection while building skills of collaboration and communication.
CAFLS students can participate in undergraduate research through the CAFLS Undergraduate Research Initiative, Creative Inquiry, individual research with a faculty mentor, research courses, and other specialized research programs.
Explore Research in CAFLS Departments
“The opportunity to participate in research as an undergraduate student was arguably the most catalytic experience for my academic and professional career. The program allowed me to improve my portfolio as a scholar and gain essential knowledge and skills to thrive in my field. I am very grateful for my undergraduate research experience as it allowed me to find my passion and pursue further education to stay involved in nutrition research as a graduate student at Clemson University!”
Abigail ZirbelFood Science and Human Nutrition, Class of 2024CAFLS Undergraduate Research Initiative and Creative Inquiry Participant
Research Opportunities And Resources

CAFLS Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI)
The CAFLS Undergraduate Research Initiative offers undergraduate students the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects by providing funding and other support. Undergraduate researchers present their project for judging at the Clemson Student Research Forum each spring with an opportunity to win a monetary prize and recognition.
Learn More About URIGetting Started with Research
Interested in research? Not sure how to start? Connecting with an undergraduate research opportunity can appear daunting, but CAFLS faculty are excited to work with you. Here are some tips for seeking a faculty member and getting involved.
Get Started

Creative Inquiry (CI)
Team-based investigations led by a faculty mentor
Creative Inquiry (CI) has come to define Undergraduate Research at Clemson University. It's small-group learning for 20,000. It's the imaginative combination of engaged learning and undergraduate research, and it is undergraduate research unique to Clemson University.
Clemson's CI WebsiteFlorece
CAFLS undergraduate (sophomore and junior) students can apply to this year-round program funded by USDA. Participating students will be involved in research, Extension, and professional development activities, including an 8-week internship in a research lab in Spain. This program is full for this year, but recruitment for 2025 will begin in Fall of 2024.
Question? Email Dr. MelgerSummer Undergraduate Research Programs
There are many programs supporting paid summer undergraduate research experiences across the country and internationally.
Participating in one of these programs can help you decide if you want to go to graduate school, make contacts in your field, and be a life-changing experience.