Cooperative Extension
Clemson Extension helps improve the quality of life of all South Carolinians by providing unbiased, research-based information through an array of public outreach programs in youth development; agribusiness; agriculture; food, nutrition and health; and natural resources.
With offices in all 46 counties of the state, Extension works to help support South Carolina’s $51.8 billion agriculture and forestry industries; strengthen families and communities; improve stewardship of natural resources and the environment; strengthen connections between people and their food; and expose South Carolina youth to opportunities in agriculture, science, technology, engineering and math.

South Carolina's Trusted Source
Pesticide Credit Info
Soil Test
Plant Problems

Home & Garden Information Center
The Home & Garden Information Center (HGIC) provides research-based information on landscaping, gardening, plant health, household pests, food safety & preservation, and nutrition, physical activity and health. Many of your home and garden questions can be easily addressed at HGIC.
Search HGIC Fact SheetsSC Weather Map
Access your local weather data from a Tempest Weather Station (located by Clemson Cooperative Extension) in your community. Local weather data helps to better inform forecasting tools and create hyper-local weather assessment tools.
View SC Weather Map

Science-based, peer-reviewed publications written by Extension personnel and university scientists for professional and academic audiences, as well as owners and managers of livestock, horses, timber and land.
Visit Land-Grant Press