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Teaching Effectiveness
Would you be interested in receiving helpful teaching observation feedback from a fellow CBSHS instructor outside of your own department? Would you benefit from feedback on your teaching strategies that is not required or linked to your TPR, but can be included, if desired by you, in your annual evaluation materials as additional evidence of teaching effectiveness?
We are inviting College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences (CBSHS) instructors to take part in our collaborative peer observations conducted by the CBSHS Teaching Effectiveness Community. Our observations focus on effective teaching practices, not course material. Read below to find out more about our Teaching Effectiveness Community, our observation process, and how to request an observation.
Teaching Observation Steps
The Teaching Effectiveness Community of the College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences has developed an evidence-based system to offer peer observations in a constructive process. With support from the Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation, our community emphasizes peer support for effective teaching practices. We provide an in-depth teaching review, including an in-class observation and pre- and post-meetings to collaboratively develop teaching styles. This professional development opportunity provides instructors with feedback in desired teaching areas. Our community goal aligns with Clemson Elevate’s priority objective to deliver the #1 student experience in the nation and amplify academic success.
Department of Public Health Sciences Senior Lecturer and OTEI Senior Faculty Fellow Becky Tugman, Ph.D., and a former colleague, initiated the Teaching Effectiveness Community. The proposal for a college group inclusive of all faculty ranks that supports peer review was championed by CBSHS Dean Leslie Hossfeld, Ph.D., and Associate Dean Denise Anderson, Ph.D. The group was established as a committee in 2021 and has grown into a community offering collegial support for teaching review. Tugman and Senior Lecturer Andrew Mannheimer, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, are co-chairs of the Teaching Effectiveness Community.
Questions or Concerns? Contact any Teaching Effectiveness Community member below.
Pre-observation meeting
The pre-meeting is an opportunity to explore the motives of the instructor. Since the purpose of the observation is for professional development, this pre-observation discussion may include goals of the class, class structure, and effective teaching strategies. This meeting will occur approximately one week before the class.
Using community observation guidelines, the observer will take notes during the class. The faculty member responsible for observing you will NOT be from your department. This is to ensure that our community is focused on teaching styles, and not course content.
Observation summary draft
The observer will share their notes on the Summary Observation Form. This will be the document shared with the instructor at least a few days before the post-observation meeting.
This meeting will occur within two weeks of the observation. The discussion will include an explanation of the Summary Form, a discussion of the experience, and allow the instructor and observer to identify positive teaching moments and opportunities for improvement.
Final summary draft
The completed summary will be shared with the instructor for their record. This observation can be included in departmental evaluations and TPR. This observation is NOT meant to replace any department required teaching observation. Our community goal is to enhance and supplement teaching effectiveness beyond reviews.
Optional modified summary
If this peer observation is to be used for annual evaluation/promotion purposes, a condensed version will be created to simplify the process for Chair/TPR reviewers. The instructor will have the option of whether they want the full or condensed versions submitted. We recommend including a plan of action-reflection to show growth from the teaching observation experience.
Peer-supported observation protocol
The Peer-Supported Observation Protocol document fully explains our six-step process and provides insight into our community objectives.
Teaching Effectiveness Community Members
Caitlin Baker, Principal Lecturer
Alfred Bundrick, Senior Lecturer
Political Science
Lena Burgess, Senior Lecturer
Marianne Glaser, Principal Lecturer
Jennifer Grandits, Principal Lecturer
Sam Hakim, Lecturer
Janice Lanham, Principal Lecturer
Andrew Mannheimer, Senior Lecturer
Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Taimi Olsen, Director
Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation
Megan E. Pate, Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Sarah Sanborn, Principal Lecturer
Tanya Staton, Senior Lecturer
Public Health Sciences
Lauren Stephens, Lecturer
Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Tara Trask, Lecturer
Political Science
Becky Tugman, Senior Lecturer
Public Health Sciences
Lu Zhang, Assistant Professor
Public Health Sciences