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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Centers and Institutes

Center for Research on Health Disparities

Center for Research on Health Disparities

The Center for Research on Health Disparities provides leadership for the development and advancement of comprehensive, culturally sensitive, community-based participatory research that improves health outcomes and enhances quality of life. The center links faculty, students and community members to advance research on the complex causes of health disparities and strategies to eliminate these disparities.

Clemson Rural Health

Clemson Rural Health

Clemson Rural Health is the organizing framework for Clemson’s health service delivery and prevention efforts statewide. Clemson Rural Health seeks to reduce premature mortality, decrease preventable hospitalizations, and promote healthy behaviors through innovation, research, education, collaboration, compassion, integration and tradition in the state of South Carolina as part of Clemson University’s land-grant mission.

Clinical Learning Research Center

Clinical Learning Research Center

The Clemson School of Nursing's Clinical Learning Research Center (CLRC) is an innovative, educational and research-based center housed at both the Clemson and the Greenville sites of instruction. The CLRC has a Clinical Learning Laboratory instructional space on the second floor in Edwards Hall on Clemson’s main campus and on the third floor in the Clemson University Nursing building, located in Greenville.

Human Factors Institute

Human Factors Institute

The Human Factors Institute was formed by Clemson University faculty conducting research in human factors and ergonomics. Graduate and undergraduate students who play a significant role in the Institute through funded research are named Fellows and Junior Fellows of the Institute.

Institute for Engaged Aging

Institute for Engaged Aging

The Institute for Engaged Aging aims to discover, develop and disseminate best practices for engaged aging through research, education and community outreach. Institute initiatives will enable older adults to be engaged in family and community living regardless of their social, economic or health status.

Institute On Family and Neighborhood Life

Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life

The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life (IFNL) helps generate, share and apply the research foundation for youth, family and community social development. Work at IFNL starts from the premise that strong communities support strong families and vice versa, and that both are necessary for healthy development of children and youth.

Institute for Parks

Institute for Parks

Parks and protected areas in the 21st-century face a wide array of social, ecological and economic challenges. To meet these challenges, parks, whether local, national or global, must be thought of as part of a complex system and be managed from an interdisciplinary perspective. We provide research, education/training, and outreach to meet these challenges and enhance park and protected area management.

Clemson University Outdoor Lab

Outdoor Lab

Placed on a beautiful peninsula within Lake Hartwell, the Clemson University Outdoor Lab provides meeting and programming possibilities that are found in few other environments. With eight distinct venues and several lodging accommodations, the Outdoor Lab is sure to be just what you're looking for in your next event.

Social Media Listening Center

Social Media Listening Center

The Social Media Listening Center provides our students and faculty with the opportunity to examine the most pressing issues of our time. Under the guidance of our faculty, students are trained on state-of-the-art industry standard software as they address complex social media issues with clients and partners.

Center for Public Health Modeling and Response

Center for Public Health Modeling and Response

The Center for Public Health Modeling and Response aims to utilize data-driven approaches to inform clinical and public health decision-making and assist the ability of health organizations and communities to prepare for, and respond to, public health threats.

The Clemson University Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research

The Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research

The Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research (CAMHR) is dedicated to conducting research on addiction and mental health conditions in order to inform policies and practices that prevent and reduce the harms of these public health problems. Our mission includes generating a positive impact on science, policy, and practice, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life and health of individuals and communities. Our research covers epidemiology, prevention, and intervention for addiction and mental health conditions.

Center for Justice and Social Research

Center for Public Safety Research

The Center for Public Safety Research enables Clemson University faculty members to provide a variety of services to community partners, including technical assistance on grant writing, independent evaluation of community-based projects, and research on the outcomes and impact of community initiatives. The center serves the land-grant mission of the University and facilitates research-practitioner partnerships by helping local governmental, criminal justice, and non-profit organizations pursue funding for social research and evaluation.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall