Nursing Research
Clemson nursing research initiatives are an integral part of research arm of Clemson University, a land grant, state supported institution of higher learning.
The goal of the School of Nursing research is to prepare nurses for professional practice, leadership and to advance nursing knowledge with a renewed focus on research.
Our research faculty are redefining academic nursing at Clemson.
Clinical Learning Research Center
The Clemson School of Nursing Clinical Learning Research Center (CLRC) is an innovative, educational and research based center housed at both the Clemson and the Greenville sites of instruction. The CLRC has a Clinical Learning Laboratory (CLL) instructional space on the second floor in Edwards Hall on Clemson’s main campus and on the third floor in the Clemson University Nursing building located in Greenville. The CLRC also has a Learning Resource Center (LRC) in Edwards Hall.
Visit the CLRCNursing Research Faculty