The Clemson University School of Nursing is a nationally recognized program focused on equipping students to make a tangible difference in health care. As we prepare nurses for professional practice and advance nursing scholarship, we are shaping the future of nursing and health care — and advancing health and quality of life in South Carolina, the nation and beyond.
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The Clemson University School of Nursing is an integral part of Clemson University, a land-grant, state-supported institution of higher learning. Clemson nursing is a nationally recognized program focused on equipping students to make a tangible difference in health care. The school is committed to teaching, research and service to the public of South Carolina, the nation and the world. As we prepare nurses for professional practice, advance nursing scholarship and health care leadership, we are shaping the future of nursing and health care — and advancing health and quality of life in South Carolina, the nation and beyond.
Mission | Vision | Goals
The mission of Clemson University School of Nursing, as a scholarly center of learning, is to educate students at the baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral levels to become health care professionals who advance scientific knowledge and evidence-based practice through research and outreach.
The Clemson University School of Nursing will shape the future of nursing and health care through leadership, scholarship and practice to optimize the health and quality of life for the people of South Carolina, the nation and the global community.
- Research: The School of Nursing will contribute to the health innovation area of focus within the Clemson University research priority by increasing visibility of School of Nursing as scientists pursuing research.
- Engagement: The School of Nursing will be recognized as a leader for fostering connectivity, collaboration, and creativity between student, faculty, and alumni groups with the global, local, and interprofessional communities, both in and outside the classroom.
- Academic Core: The School of Nursing will cultivate and deliver academic excellence in nursing and healthcare genetics using sustainable, innovative, and interprofessional pedagogies to create a seamless transition from didactics to clinical practice.
- Living: The School of Nursing will enhance the living environment by leading health and wellness programs that nurture a climate of diversity, inclusion and respect.
Inclusive Excellence
The School of Nursing is committed to a culture of inclusive excellence. This commitment, investment and action informs our teaching, research and outreach within the state of South Carolina and beyond - and helps us enhance opportunities for all as we work to build people and communities.
CCNE Accreditation
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, the master’s degree program in nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Clemson University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
SACS Accreditation
The Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) is the recognized regional accrediting body. Clemson University is accredited by SACS to award bachelor’s master’s, and doctoral degrees. For additional information please see
National Center of Excellence
The National League for Nursing has named Clemson University’s School of Nursing a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education (2014-2023), one of the highest honors in the nursing education field. Since 2004, only 95 programs nationwide have garnered this designation.
Nursing Administration
John J Whitcomb, Ph.D., RN, CCRN, FCCM
Director, Chief Academic Nursing Officer, and Professor
412 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-9569
jwhitco@clemson.eduLucia Gonzales, PhD, MSN, MBA, FNP-C, AGPCNP-BC
Associate Professor/ Associate Director of Research
431 Edwards Hall/451 CU Nursing
luciag@clemson.eduMargaret Ann Wetsel, Ph.D., R.N.
Professor/Associate Director, Academic Programs
438 Edwards Hall & 453 CU Nursing Building
mwetsel@clemson.eduLeslie Ravan, MS, RN, CHSE
Principal Lecturer / Director of Undergraduate Studies
459 CU Nursing and 439 Edwards Hall
(864) 720-2059
wagner3@clemson.eduLisa Miller, PhD, RN
Principal Lecturer / Director of Graduate Programs
227 CU Nursing
millelb@clemson.eduVeronica Parker, Ph.D.
Professor / Director, Center for Research on Health Disparities
404 Edwards Hall
(864) 656-0984
veronic@clemson.eduKimberly Hill, R.N., B.S.N.,
Associate Director of Simulation
203A Edwards Hall (Clemson), 363 CU Nursing Building (Greenville)
(864) 656-1878 -
Faculty and Staff Directory
Name Title Phone/Email Allison, Kendra PhD, RN, Assistant Professor
kendraa@clemson.eduAnderson, Raven Clinical Lab Manager 864-656-5477
rbooth@clemson.eduAshley, Jennifer MS, APRN, FNP-BC, ACHPN, Lecturer
jlandru@clemson.eduAtkinson, Rob Administrative Operations Manager 864-720-2080
raatkin@clemson.eduBagwell, Jennifer DNP, MSN, RN, OCN
JBAGWEL@clemson.eduBlack, Francie MS,RN,CCRN, Lecturer 864-720-2085
franceg@clemson.eduBoccuto, Luigi MD, Clinical Associate Professor 8646561437
lboccut@clemson.eduBoudreau, Mylene Lecturer 8646561688
myleneb@clemson.eduBranyon, Charlotte DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, Lecturer
cbranyo@clemson.eduBuck, Abby Administrative Coordinator 864-656-9569
BUCK2@clemson.eduBurgess, Lena DNP, MSN, RN, CMSRN, CNE, Senior Lecturer
LENAC@clemson.eduBurkhalter, Shannon Clinical Lab Manager
SBURKHA@clemson.eduBusby, Terry MS, APRN, FNP-BC, Senior Lecturer 864-314-1936
TBUSBY@clemson.eduButler, Anna Claire Lead Student Services Program Coordinator for BS-Accelerated Cohort 864-720-2054
acbutle@clemson.eduCard, Ben MBA, Lead IT Consultant 864-720-2049
ecard@clemson.eduChiles, Ellen B Graduate Student Service Coordinator 864-720-2052
ACHILES@clemson.eduDavis, PhD, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, GNP-BC, Nicole Director of Graduate Programs
NJD@clemson.eduFarrell, Christopher Assistant Professor
clf@clemson.eduFasolino, Tracy Professor, Distinguished Palliative Care Leader 864-888-7158
TFASOLI@clemson.eduFoxworth, Jessica Recruitment Operations Coordinator 864-656-5485
foxwor2@clemson.eduGarrard, Lindsey MS, FNP-BC, PMHS, CHSE, Principal Lecturer
MONTJO2@clemson.eduGarrison, Amy DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CHSE, Senior Lecturer (864) 940-7707
aboggs@clemson.eduGonzales, Lucia PhD, MSN, FNP-C, AGPCNP-BC, AGNP-C, Associate Director of Research 760/690-7241 (MOBILE)
luciag@clemson.eduHall, DNP, APRN, AGNP-C, Lecturer, Jennifer 864-631-8144 (cell)
jnicho2@clemson.eduHamilton, Stacie Clinical Placement Coordinator, MSN, RN, CPN 864-720-2055
slhamil@clemson.eduHannon, Diane Accreditation & Endowments Coordinator 864-656-3268
dianeh@clemson.eduHill, Kimberly RN, BSN, CHSE, Associate Director of Simulation 864-656-1878 & 864-720-2068
KKAMP@clemson.eduHopkins, Casey PhD, APRN, WHNP-BC, Assistant Professor 8647202060
CHOPKI@clemson.eduIvankovic, Diana PhD, Research Associate 864-506-5969
divanko@clemson.eduLanham, Janice Garrison RN,MS, CNEcl, NC - BC, Principal Lecturer 864-656-1506
JANICEL@clemson.eduLink, Lisa HR Liaison and Payroll Manager 864-656-3115
llink@clemson.eduLowe, Tracy PhD, MS, RN, Assistant Professor
tbrock@clemson.eduMartin, Rebekah DNP, RN, Lecturer
rryan@clemson.eduMcFarlane, Adam Ph.D., Lecturer, & Faculty Senator 864-720-2081
armcfar@clemson.eduMetler , Robin Student Services Program Coordinator II 864-656-5746
RMETLER@clemson.eduMihalchick, Cynthia ASD & RNBS Student Service Coordinator (864) 720- 2056
mihalch@clemson.eduMiller, Lisa PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, Principal Lecturer
millelb@clemson.eduMurton, Catherine EdD, MS, RN-BC, CNE 864-656-1754
CATHERM@clemson.eduNewton, Angela MS, APRN, FNP-C, Senior Lecturer
abnewto@clemson.eduO'Dell, Andrea MSN, RN, CNE, NPD-BC, Lecturer 864-720-2224
amodell@clemson.eduO’Neal, Taylor MS, RN, TCRN, Lecturer (864) 656-3666
tjplatt@clemson.eduParker, Veronica PhD, Professor, CRHD Director 864-656-0984
VERONIC@clemson.eduPate, Megan E. PhD, MS, RN, CNE, Assistant Professor
mepate@clemson.eduPickett, Kim Anne PhD, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, Assistant Professor 864-720-2078
kpicket@clemson.eduRahemi, Zahra Associate Professor, PhD, RN 864-720-2058
ZRAHEMI@clemson.eduRavan, Leslie DNP(c), MS, RN, CHSE 864-720-2059
WAGNER3@clemson.eduSarasua, Sara M. PhD, MSPH, Associate Professor and HCGG Program Coordinator (864) 656-0625
SMSARAS@clemson.eduSeawright, Jenna MS, RN, FNP-C, Lecturer, Graduate clinical coordinator
jbergum@clemson.eduShepherd, Erin DNP, RNC-OB, CNE, CHSE, Senior Lecturer
eshep@clemson.eduSpooner, Leigh Academic Advisor 864-656-0556
rspoone@clemson.eduTaylor-Smith, Michelle MSN, BSN, RN, FACHE, Center Operations Officer, Re (864) 720-2087
MSMIT33@clemson.eduTemples, Heide S. Ph.D, APRN, PPCNP-BC, IBCLC, Professor, Coordinator of the Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program 803-318-4892
HEIDET@clemson.eduTeramano, Terri DNP, RN, CNE, CHSE, Senior Lecturer
TABERCR@clemson.eduThrift, Jason R. Ph.D., RN, CHSE Assistant Professor 864-940-8536
JASONT@clemson.eduTimmons, Shirley PhD, MN, RN-BC, CNE, Professor 864-720-2063
STIMMON@clemson.eduTorres, Beatriz Lecturer
beatrit@clemson.eduTrammel (Formerly Davis), Stephanie PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAAN 864-952-9166
STEPHAD@clemson.eduValentine, Kathleen RN, BS, MS, PhD Professor 864-720-2064
KLVALEN@clemson.eduWetsel, Margaret Associate Director School of Nursing 864-656-5527
MWETSEL@clemson.eduWhitcomb, John J PhD, RN, CCRN, FCCM, Director and Chief Academic Nursing Officer 864-656-9569
JWHITCO@clemson.eduWithycombe, Janice PhD, RN, MN, FAAN, Associate Professor (864) 656-5861
jswithy@clemson.eduWright, Mary Ellen PhD, APRN, CPNP-PC, FAAN Assistant Professor 8286066092 -
Community Advisory Board
Community Advisory Board – Nurse Leaders
Kathleen Black, MSN, RN Chief Nursing Executive Bon Secours St. Francis
Kristie Boswell, MS, APRN, FNP-C, Assistant Director, Mobile Health Operations, Clemson Rural Health
Kevin Busby, Nurse Executive, Patrick Harris Hospital
Jennifer Daigle, MSN-ED, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, Carolina Behavioral Health
Veronica Deas, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, CDCES, Executive Director, Nursing Scholarship and Program Development, Prisma Health
Nita Donald, Director, Upstate, Area Health Education
Suzie Foley, Executive Director, Greenville Free Clinic
Dr. Tracy Hudgins, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CNE, Academic Department Chair of Nursing, Greenville Technical College
Mary Jane Jennings, Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare
Thomas Malone, MD, Physician, Clemson University Student Health Center
Amon Martin, DDS, Dentist, Martin & Martin
Renee Monaghan, MD, MUSC AnMed Campus Dean and Director of Medical Education at AnMed
Lesslie Pekarek, MD, Interim Executive Director, Medical Director, Student Health Services, Clemson University
Jackie Rutledge, Chair, Nursing Department, Tri County Technical College
Connie Spykerman, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR, Chief Nursing Officer, Prisma Health Oconee Memorial Hospital and Baptist Easley Hospital
Shaunda Trotter, RN, MSN, VP Nursing & Chief Nursing Officer, AnMed Health
To make a secure gift today.
You can make a gift by check, phone or online:
CHECKS: Make your check payable to Clemson University Foundation and write Annual Fund-School of Nursing in the memo. Mail to: Clemson University Foundation, PO Box 1889, Clemson, SC 29633-1889.
PHONE: Call Annual Giving at 864.656.5896 and make your gift to the Annual Fund-School of Nursing.
Annual Fund-School of Nursing Ways to Give
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Your generosity and passion help the Clemson University School of Nursing carry out our mission of excellence and support the future of nursing in the state and nationally. Thank you for your support!
Contact Us
For information about Nursing Tours, please click here.
For specific program information and contacts, choose "Degrees" from the main menu, click your degree and then choose "Contact" on that page.
For inquiries not related to specific programs, please contact the School of Nursing Reception Desk at 864-656-7622 or email Abby Buck at
Nursing Degrees
Clemson Nursing News
Upcoming Nursing Events
Nursing Expansion Program
In collaboration with Prisma Health-Upstate, Clemson University has expanded its nursing program in the Clemson University Nursing building in Greenville – an effort that has more than doubled enrollment in Clemson’s traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. This expansion is helping meet the growing need for nurses and bolstering health innovation and research efforts in upstate South Carolina. The collaboration has also expanded student clinical placements within Prisma Health-Upstate.
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