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Public Health Sciences

Applied Health Research & Evaluation, Ph.D.

Applied Health Research & Evaluation, Ph.D.

The Department of Public Health Sciences offers a Ph.D. in Applied Health Research and Evaluation (AHRE). This innovative, advanced research program rigorously prepares future scholars to conduct relevant research on issues critically important to public health.

Students in this program learn to design and employ cutting-edge methodologies with community, private sector, and public partners to provide effective solutions to challenging health problems. The core curriculum emphasizes a full spectrum of methodological skills that enable students to design and implement research focused on health outcomes, effective and efficient health delivery services, comparative effectiveness of clinical and cost outcomes, and program evaluation, with substantial attention devoted to implementation science: that bridge between health research and health practice. This combination of advanced research skills and strong conceptual framework produces independent leaders in health research capable of working across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

AHRE graduates possess skills to analyze and interpret complex health problems and data and provide structure for data-informed decision making to empower change in population health and healthcare practice, making them highly employable in state and federal agencies, private research and evaluation firms, health delivery systems, and academia.

The GRE is preferred, but not required. Applicants who do not submit GRE scores are strongly encouraged to submit evidence of quantitative skills (e.g., examples of involvement in quantitative research, quantitative graduate coursework, etc.). This can be addressed in the personal statement and demonstrated in transcripts.

Applications for the fall terms are due by December 31st.

Department of Public Health Sciences
Department of Public Health Sciences | 503 Edwards Hall