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Public Health Sciences

Student Resources

Academic Advising

Allysa Sutton

Allysa Sutton

Advises: Public Health Science

Office: 309 Edwards Hall

Phone: 864-656-5495


Schedule An Appointment

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The Department of Public Health Science strives to provide thorough and individualized advising services to each of our students throughout their academic careers.  Freshman and sophomore students are initially assigned to a professional advisor who introduces them to their major curriculum and helps them navigate their general education requirements.  Juniors and seniors are then matched with a faculty advisor who assists with professional exploration and graduation planning.  Services provided by both our faculty and staff advisors include:

  • Face-to-face meetings during the fall and spring semesters to review degree progress
  • Assistance with course selection and registration clearance
  • Availability to answer questions and help with academic advising forms
  • Provision of information regarding campus resources and career and professional development opportunities

Through our frequent contact, our advisors and students often establish mentoring relationships, and we take pride in the lasting personal and professional connections that develop between students and faculty in our department.

Student Organizations

Student Advisory Committee

Group image of the current department of public health sciences student advisory committee

DPHS introduces a collaborative student committee: Student Advisory Committee

The Public Health Sciences Student Advisory Committee is dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment where honest feedback from diverse perspectives drives positive change and continuous improvement within the department. Our mission is to actively engage with students and faculty to enhance the student experience, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. By prioritizing open communication and constructive dialogue, we aim to strengthen the overall academic and community experience for all those within the Public Health Sciences program. Pictured left to right (seated) Kinsey Meggett, Ivan Huerta; (standing) Sydney Abernathy, Carsan Wooten, Anna Maresca, Paige Raposo(co-chair), Izabella Garcia (co-chair), Bailey Naples, Sara Dawson, & Amanda Tucker; (missing, Sarah Bradley)

Eta Sigma Gamma

Eta Sigma Gamma logo


Eta Sigma Gamma is a national professional health education honorary, designed specifically for professionals in the health fields anywhere in the United States as well as other nations.


The primary purpose of Eta Sigma Gamma, from its beginning in 1967, has been to further the professional competence and dedication of individual members of health professions.


We recruit by invitation for our once-a-year initiation. We expect all initiates to attend and participate in chapter meetings and activities, serve on at least one chapter committee and participate in one chapter fundraiser for the community. Memberships also requires participation in the annual induction ceremony, which requires a membership fee of $50 two weeks prior to the ceremony.

Please check the Eta Sigma Gamma national website if there are any questions and/or contact:

Sarah Hague - 


Shannon Owen -

Alpha Epsilon Delta

alpha epsilon delta logo


AED is a premedical honor society dedicated to preparing and exposing interested students to medicine and other health-care disciplines. The mission of the Society is to encourage and recognize excellence in premedical scholarship; to stimulate an appreciation of the importance of premedical education; to promote communication between medical and premedical students and educators; to provide a forum for students with common interests; and to use its resources to benefit health organizations, charities and the community. The Clemson Chapter of AED hosts meetings throughout the year with physicians and dentists, Kaplan Test Drives, trips to Medical, Dental, Optometry, and other Professional Schools, and is committed to serving the community through various service projects.

Contact Information

057A Life Sciences Building
190 Collings Street
Clemson, SC 29634

Pre-Dental Club

Pre-Dental Club Logo


The Pre-Dental Club serves as an outlet for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in dental medicine. It provides students with numerous opportunities to further their knowledge of the field of dentistry and the expectations associated with acceptance into dental school. The Pre-Dental Club also strives to be active in the community and give back through volunteer service and philanthropic support. The purpose of the organization shall be to establish a community of students interested in the field of Dentistry that will facilitate relationships and provide a support network. We also hope to promote dental health within the university and community at large. We provide a way for pre-dental students to access help with dental school applications, testing, and general knowledge.

Contact Information

Department of Public Health Sciences
Department of Public Health Sciences | 503 Edwards Hall