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Clemson at CES

Interview Opportunities

Thought leaders on mobility research and collaboration at Clemson University

The following individuals will be present and representing Clemson University at the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. To schedule an interview, please contact Alex Brooks, Clemson University Director of Communication. 

Matthias Schmid

schmid.jpgAssistant Professor, Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
Deep Orange 12: Autonomy Faculty Advisor
Deep Orange 13 & 14: Vehicle Dynamics Faculty Advisor

Bio link

Schmid’s research focuses on estimation and control of dynamic systems under uncertainty, with heavy research emphasis on autonomy in unstructured and off-road environments. Schmid served as vehicle dynamics faculty advisor for the Deep Orange 14 and 13 projects, as well as the autonomy advisor for Clemson’s record-breaking 180mph autonomous racecar the year before.

His work at Clemson’s $100M VIPR-GS Center focuses on virtual prototyping development and validation for autonomous software and hardware systems using the Deep Orange vehicle as an advanced testing platform.

Can speak to:

  • Challenges and opportunities in autonomous systems development
  • Path planning, control, and safety for autonomy in unstructured environments
  • Sensor fusion and estimation in uncertain environments
  • Off-road autonomous vehicle design, testing and validation for virtual prototyping

David Clayton

david-clayton-headshot_close82.jpgExecutive Director, CU-ICAR
AVP, Corporate Partnerships

Bio link

With more than twenty years’ experience in higher education, industry and public service, David Clayton is an expert in southeast economic development strategy, advanced manufacturing and the mobility industry. His work spans public-private partnership development, corporate engagement, business development, market research, transportation and nuclear engineering.

Can speak to:

  • Trends in advanced STEM education
  • Economic and workforce development in the southeast regional
  • Mobility industry as a whole

Robert Prucka

prucka.jpgDeep Orange Program Director
Alan Kulwicki Professor of Motorsports Engineering
Clemson VIPR-GS Center Deputy Director

Prucka focuses on the design, control, calibration, performance and emissions of advanced powertrain systems. His current research includes the use of artificial intelligence and optimal control strategies for the design and operation of electrified powertrains used in autonomous off-road vehicles, as well as novel low-emissions internal combustion engine concepts.

As faculty lead for Deep Orange 12, Prucka led 40 engineering students to design a high-speed autonomous racecar that broke the driverless landspeed record and is being used in the IAC showcase race on January 7th in Las Vegas.

Can speak to: 

  • Experiential learning for advanced fields in engineering and academia
  • Motorsports, advanced powertrains and autonomous vehicle engineering
  • Virtual prototyping and validation for rapid development of autonomous vehicles
  • High-speed, off-road autonomous vehicle development