Undergraduate Advising
Connect with Advisors
Advising is a partnership between a student and an advisor. It takes effort by both parties to ensure a great experience. Your academic advisor is an advocate for you who can help develop a plan to help you meet any educational goals. Please contact your advisor when there are any questions about policies, procedures, resources, or monitoring your progress. During the semester, students have the option to request an appointment or visit during drop-in hours.

Navigating Your Degree
CU Navigate
CU Navigate is a student-centered mobile app that provides individualized, student-centered information. The app allows students to access campus resources, schedule advising appointments easily, and receive proactive messages if there are any emerging problems.
Resources are available to help you understand your homepage, access reports, and how to schedule appointments.
Degree Works
Degree Works is a tool designed to help monitor progress towards an undergraduate degree. It uses the University Catalog and the student's transcript to produce a simplified audit to identify what courses and requirements are complete, almost complete, or still outstanding.
IROAR Registration
iROAR allows you to add and drop classes, register for next semester's classes, and check grades. For undergraduate registration, please have your PIN ready. The PIN is obtained from your advisor.
If you need a closed course, you can request to be Waitlisted or Request a Seat under the Student Registration section of iROAR.
Schedule on the Go
To keep everything organized, download the app Navigate Student. You will be able to see upcoming deadlines and events, view career options, sync class schedules, plus schedule an appointment with an advisor.
The Navigate Student app is available to download on the Apple App Store and in the Google Play Store.
Credits from Elsewhere
Clemson students who plan to take classes at another school should receive approval for each subject in advance. Students must meet with their advisor about their plans and obtain their signature on the form.
Please complete the Approval of Credits to Be Earned at Another School form before enrolling in classes at another school.
Bridge Student Advising
Clemson Bridge students at Tri-County Technical College are required to earn at least 30 transferrable credit hours and a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5. Specific majors may have additional requirements.
Advising opportunities for Bridge students are available throughout the semester at both Tri-County and Clemson.
Academic Advising
Advising by Areas of Study
Academic advising is broken up by area of study. For all engineering students, you will begin in General Engineering Advising before declaring your major and moving into the specific program. By clicking below, you will view your academic advising team and how to set up an appointment, learn about degree-specific courses, and explore majors and careers.
If you need to speak to an advisor at other times during the semester, you can request an appointment or visit drop-in hours.

General Engineering
Students interested in pursuing an engineering major begin in the General Engineering program. This provides students an opportunity to explore various engineering fields while getting academically prepared for engineering study. After exploring majors and completing introductory requirements, students can declare their intended major.

The goal of an academic advising session is for students and their advisors to work together to develop an academic plan that helps students reach their academic goals. The School of Computing has dedicated undergraduate advising and student services staff who can assist you with forms, changing majors, or adding a minor.

Academic advising is required of all undergraduate degree majors prior to being cleared to register for classes. Appointments can be set up throughout the year to discuss such things as how to get involved, study abroad, and addressing difficulties with classes. Geology majors can visit Brackett Hall for advising appointments or drop-ins.
Student Support
Our support services are designed to equip you with strategies and resources you can use to succeed as a student. Whether to reduce test anxiety, explore major options, or become more confident in your courses, we want you to achieve your goal of earning a Clemson University degree.
- Academic Advising
- Group Tutoring
- Mentoring
- Career Counseling
- Co-ops & Internships
- Honors College
- Workshops
Support Services at Clemson
Clemson University and the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences offer a number of services to help you progress towards your degree.

Thrive: Get Involved
While thriving may look different for all students, we identified two common themes: Relationships and Engagement. Students who thrive have developed networks with peers, faculty, staff, and others they can turn to for advice, help with classes, and FUN. Students who thrive are engaged inside and outside the classroom, which enables them to build relationships and explore and make connections between course content and real applications.
Trey Richardson is a mechanical engineering major who has served as an orientation ambassador and an intern with Makerspace in Watt Family Innovation Center.
“I’ve had an amazing experience with CECAS advising. From registering classes freshman year to helping other students build their own schedules during my orientation ambassador role, I’ve had an incredible time getting to work with these advisors and observing the success they set up for incoming freshmen.”
Trey RichardsonMechanical Engineering, '22