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Clubs and Organizations

Broaden Your Network

Students can broaden their horizons by joining clubs, professional societies, and other organizations. Membership and participation help sharpen career skills, expand social networks, explore interests and improve time management. Many clubs are open to a broad range of majors and interests. Their activities range from racing cars and designing medical devices to providing Haitians with clean water and learning leadership skills.

Looking down at SAE car and team

Explore Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Events, workshops, and exhibits are held throughout the year on campus. Please click on the events for more information.

    Students building float on Bowman Field

    More Ways to Connect

    There is an abundance of events and opportunities for students to get involved - from academic to service projects. Take the PlaceFinder quiz to find great matches for you. Results will be emailed.

    THRIVE Opportunities

    THRIVE is a CECAS resource listing student opportunities and events to make the most of your Clemson Experience. Additional resources include leadership and engagement opportunities.

    Explore TigerQuest

    TigerQuest is a robust search tool filled with unique opportunities at Clemson University. Find events, organizations, news articles, and contact information.

    Start an Organization

    Want to start your own organization? Each group needs to have at least 6 students who want to participate. You can then begin the registration process with Clemson Student Affairs.

    Tiger Prowl Semester Fair

    Tiger Prowl is a fair where students can explore and connect with a multitude of extra- and co-curricular opportunities. The event happens twice a year: Fall and Spring.

    College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
    College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences | Riggs Hall