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Online Courses

Student at ComputerThe ECE Department offers approximately 20 online ECE courses each summer. These courses are offered during Summer Session I (May 14 - June 21, 2024), Summer II (June 27 - August 5, 2024), or Long Summer (May 14 - August 5, 2024). Students from universities other than Clemson can also take online classes as transient students and transfer the credits to their home institutions. Lectures are in downloadable or streaming media file formats, and students can watch lectures at their leisure.

For more information about the program, check out the program flyer. Transient students can download our Getting Started Packet for application and registration information or view our page of frequently asked questions for transient students. For course-specific information, you can view sample course syllabi

Clemson University's Academic Integrity Statement can be read here.