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How are advisors assigned?
Each student is assigned a faculty advisor upon entry into the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This assignment will remain the same through graduation, unless the student chooses to change advisors for the purpose of obtaining advice related to a particular specialty. Advisor assignments are made in March and October and are posted on the department's website. Electrical Engineering students are assigned Electrical Engineering faculty advisors. Computer Engineering students are assigned Computer Engineering faculty advisors. Advising assignments are made based on faculty availability; as students graduate, advisors are assigned additional advisees. If a student changes from EE to CpE or from CpE to EE, he/she will be assigned an advisor from the new major. If a student wants to change advisors, that student should speak with the Undergraduate Student Services Coordinators in 104 Riggs to be reassigned.
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Who is my advisor?
Please refer to the Advising List in the Undergraduate Student Resources page of the ECE website.
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What are ECE pre-reqs and co-reqs?
Please refer to the Pre-reqs and Co-reqs link in the Undergraduate Student Resources page of the ECE website.
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Why was my course section changed?
The ECE Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator or the ECE Registration Coordinator may change a student's class and/or lab section at any time. Students may be moved to a different section if the need arises as a result of sections being canceled, section times changing or new sections being created, for example. If you are moved to a class that conflicts with a sports, band or ROTC commitment, please contact the Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator.
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Why was I dropped from a course just before the start of the semester?
Prior to the start of each semester, a pre-requisite check is run. If a student does not have the required pre-requisites or the required gpr, he/she will be dropped from ECE courses. E-mails are sent to all students missing pre-requisites before they are dropped from ECE courses.
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What are the available variance forms?
Please refer to the Undergraduate Student Forms page on the ECE website.
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How do I sign up for ECE 1990, 2990, 3990, 4990, 4050, 4920, and/or H4910?
Please refer to the Undergraduate Student Forms page on the ECE website.
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What ECE curricula am I following?
For specific questions about which curricula you should follow, please see the Undergraduate Student Services Coordinators in 104 Riggs Hall. For general questions about the curricula requirements, please see the Undergraduate Curriculum page on the ECE website.
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What general education curricula am I following?
In addition to completing coursework in the major, all students are to complete coursework in general education. The general education requirements must be from the same curricula year in which the student is completing his/her engineering program. For example, a student on the 2023-2024 engineering curricula will also follow the 2023-2024 general education curricula while a student on the 2024-2025 engineering curricula will follow the 2024-2025 general education curricula. The courses which meet the University requirements for graduation are found for each curricula year in Undergraduate Announcements on the registrar's page.
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What is the FE and who should take it?
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is a measure of minimum competency to enter the profession. Students in their final two semesters before graduation are eligible to take this examination which is the first step to earning the designation of PE - professional engineer. Employers hiring recent engineering graduates often look to see if the applicant has successfully passed the FE exam. Passing the exam also demonstrates how serious you are about your engineering career. The NCEES [National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying] prepares the national FE exam for all licensing boards. This exam is a valid measure of minimum competency related to the educational training received in an engineering degree program.
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Who can sign my ROTC course validation form?
The Undergraduate Student Services Coordinators in 104 Riggs Hall can sign these forms.
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What are the requirements for declaring a minor?
A minor consists of at least 15 semester hours, with no fewer than nine credits at the 3000 level or higher. A student cannot major and minor in the same field. Courses used to fulfill general education requirements may be counted toward the minor. Students are encouraged to contact the department offering the minor for advising. A student may specify one completed minor on the graduation application to be recorded in his/her academic record. A minor can be declared at any time, and changed at any time up until a student applies for his/her diploma in the final semester. A list of minors, requirements and additional information can be found in the Undergraduate Announcements on the Office of the Registrar's Web page.
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How much is tuition for the ECE program?
For information on tuition and fees, visit http://www.clemson.edu/finance/student-financials/tuition-fees/ and
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