Professional Societies & Orgs

The Clemson student chapter of the American Water Works Association (CUAWWA) has an annual lakeshore clean-up. During this particular event on Lake Hartwell, the group removed about 12 bags of trash from the shore in one evening. In addition to keeping our lake clean, the organization also focuses on providing students with networking opportunities in environmental engineering, specifically within the water and wastewater treatment field, including an annual career panel.
Professional Societies
- American Chemical Society
- American Geophysical Union
- American Water Works Association
- Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
- International Water Association
- National Ground Water Association
- Water Environment Federation
Student Organizations
American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Ladner
Email: awwa@g.clemson.eduOfficers
Adam Rogers, President
Lauren Ames, Vice President
Avery McCall, Treasurer
Isabella Pettus, SecretaryThe Clemson Student Chapter of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) serve all students interested in similar environmental engineering disciplines, specifically water and wastewater issues. The club was founded in April 2011 and is intended for anyone: environmental engineers, civil engineers, biology, geology, biochem, etc. Really, any person who is interested in the environmental/water/wastewater industry.
Sponsored by the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, the club is a student chapter for two national organizations. AWWA is a professional organization focused on the drinking water industry. WEF is a professional organization focused on the wastewater and water resource recovery industry. The student chapter holds meetings, on-campus activities, and field trips to stay engaged with one another and the community. AWWA offers information about internships and full-time employment and invites industry representatives to chapter activities so students can network with professionals in the field. Through activities such as the annual career panel, students are assisted in launching satisfying careers in environmental engineering and other related fields.
Typical Annual Activities
- The Environmental Career Panel
- Club trip to the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC) held in March
- Trash Clean-Up on the shores of Lake Hartwell
Biosystems Engineering Club
Tiger Quest: Biosystems Engineering ClubBE Club | Executive Board 2023-2024
President - Teague McCracken
Vice President - Mary Fran Burnett
Secretary - Jill Lee
Treasurer - Gabby Sautter
Service Chair - Jason Van Meir
Social Chair - Dillon Finley
Professional Development Chair - Sarah Cribb
Sustainability Chair - Ella GrantThe BE Club focuses on sustainable engineering issues, both local and global, by providing fun, engaging activities and social events to get our members excited about what we do, and this upcoming year we are looking to expand our membership and involvement in educational and philanthropic events in and around Clemson.
In the past, we have participated in Walk for Water, hosted highway clean-ups, and organized fundraisers to send members to the pinnacle of our club's year: the Southeastern Regional ASABE Rally, an annual showcase hosted by a select school in the southeast. Not only is this a great networking opportunity for future careers and graduate school, but a chance to learn about what other chapters have going on. We were awarded the Most Outstanding Chapter in 2017-2018! The BE Club is a tight-knit family; we learn, work and play together and are always looking to welcome new members to our organization.
Environmental Engineering Club
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Freedman
Connect: FacebookOfficers
Meghan Kropp, President
Carson Allen, Vice President
Anna Delahunt, TreasurerThe Environmental Engineering club is open to all current and future environmental engineering majors. Along with AWWA, the club sponsors a career panel every spring. We also participate in activities like Adopt-a-Stream, hold Lake Hartwell clean-up events and take hiking trips to local waterfalls. If you are interested in joining the club or just learning more, please email one of the officers to get information about our next meeting.
Geology Club
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alex Pullen
Tiger Quest: Geology Club
Connect: FacebookOfficers
Savannah Means - President
Jordan Rajcok - Vice President
Denise Diaz - Secretary
Rori Toscano - TreasurerAlthough we are very focused on geology, we strive for the inclusiveness of all majors to help extend the spread of geology knowledge beyond just the geo majors. The focus of our club is to promote unity among students as well as develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of geology outside of the classroom.
Recent activities have been operating a tutoring program for Geology 101 students, planning for hikes and organizing events/ trips like going to Graves Mountain in Georgia. The club helps out at the Hydrogeology Symposium in April and sponsors a booth there.
Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
Officers (2024-2025)
President: Matthew Riss
VP: Laura DiGiacomo
Treasurer: William Cummings
Social Chair: Annelise Gonzales
Antisocial Social Chair 1: Ren Garrity
Antisocial Social Chair 2: Salomé Kwong-Moses
Representative to the Faculty: Marky Mason
First-Year Officer: Delaney RyanFaculty Advisor
Tigerquest: EEES-GSO
The GSO is a student-led organization with the goal of connecting graduate students in the department and improving the graduate student experience. Please email the President to get info on our organization Discord if interested! If you have any feedback for us, please let us know.
Nuclear Discussion Collective (Nuclear DisCo)
Officers (2024-2025)
President: Matthew Riss
VP: Cooper Tillman
Secretary: Grace Blount
Treasurer: Delaney RyanFaculty Advisor
Timothy Devol, Professor
Faculty/Staff Members
Timothy Devol
Nicole Martinez
Brian Powell
Lindsay Shuller-NicklesResources