Research Equipment
Our laboratories are equipped with research analyzers for environmental research. These instruments are accessible to the EEES faculty, students and researchers on a need basis. The great majority of the analyzers are computer-controlled and equipped with autosamplers. EEES has a variety of field equipment that can be used for geophysical and hydrogeological studies. The equipment is stored at various locations in the department and elsewhere on campus.
The L. G. Rich Laboratory has a Type I distilled deionized water production system (Super-Q Plus, Millipore).
In addition to the research infrastructure, EEES has two teaching laboratories equipped to conduct Unit Operation Laboratories and additional wet chemistry laboratory courses.
- Dispersion Number and Residence Time Distribution
- Microbial Growth on Alternative Substrates
- Coagulation and Flocculation
- Energy Balance in Microbial Systems, Precipitation, Sedimentation, Gas Transfer, etc.
Chemical Inventory
Chemical Inventories for each faculty member are available through BioRAFT. For information about the availability of chemicals throughout the department, contact the EEES Lab Manager.

Analytical Chemistry Equipment
Gas Chromatography Systems
- HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph with FID and NPD detectors
- Two HP 5890 Gas Chromatographs with FID and ECD detectors
- Two Agilent 6850 Gas Chromatographs with m µ-ECD detectors
- Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph with FID and m µ-ECD detectors
- Agilent 6890 Plus Gas Chromatograph with m µ-ECD detectors
- Shimadzu GC-2010 with FID
- Shimadzu GC-2010 with FID and TCD detector
- Shimadzu GC-2014 with DTCD detector
Liquid Chromatography Systems
- Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC with Fluorescence, UV-Vis and RI detectors, fraction detectors, autosampler (3 systems)
- Dionex Model CD25A/GP50-2 Ion Chromatograph with EC and UV detectors
- Dionex ICS2100 ion chromatography system, autosampler
- Agilent 1100 HPLC with UV-Vis detector
- Agilent (HPLC) 1290 Infinity II with 6470 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
Mass Spectroscopy Systems
- Agilent 7890 B GC system with 7000 C triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Agilent 1290 Infinity II HPLC with 6470 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Thermo iCAP-RQ inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS)
- Thermo iCAP 7400 Duo inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICPOES)
UV-Vis Spectrometers
- Varian Cary Model 300 UV-Vis Spectrometer
- Varian Cary Model 50 UV-Vis Spectrometer
- Thermo Nanodrop 2000 Spectrophotometer
- Beckman DTX880 Multimode detector/plate reader
Labeled Compound/ Radiochemical Analysis
- Eight High-Purity Germanium Gamma-Ray Spectrometers (one portable and one low energy)
- One low-energy high-resolution X-ray spectrometer (HPGe, Be window)
- Three NaI(Tl) spectrometers (5” x 5”,3” x 3”, and 2” x 2”)
- Four alpha/beta discriminating Liquid Scintillation Counters
- Three Flow Cell Radiation Detectors (one digital, one pulse shape discriminating)
- 38 Alpha Spectrometers
- 18 Gas Flow Proportional Counters
- Miscellaneous gas-filled and scintillation detectors
- Neutron dosimetry instruments
- Portable health physics instrumentation
- Geophex GEM2 EM induction sensor
Organic Carbon Nitrogen Analyzers
- Shimadzu Model TOC-V Total Organic Carbon/Total Nitrogen Analyzer
- Shimadzu Model TOC-L Total Organic Carbon/Total Nitrogen Analyzer
- Thermo Model EA1112 Combustion CHNS-O Analyzer
Other Analyzers
- Applied Biosystems StepOne RT PCR system
- Anton Parr SurPASS electrokinetic analyzer
- Analytik Jena MultiX2500 adsorbable organic carbon (AOX) analyzer with APU2 adsorption module
- BioRad Gel DocXR
- Brookhaven Instruments 90Plus particle analyzer with ZetaPALS and ZetaPlus; auto titrator
- Dionex ASE200 accelerated solvent extraction system
- Harshaw Model 3500 Thermo Luminescence Dosimetry System
- Jenapol U petrographic microscope
- Kruss contact angle measurement system (for drop shape analysis)
- Microbics M500 Toxicity Analyzer
- Micromeritics ASAP2010 and ASAP 2020 physisorption (surface area and pore size distribution determinations) analyzers with chemisorption capabilities
- Metrohm 836 Titrando computer-controlled titration system
- Misc. Aquifer Testing Equipment
- Model MP401 Electronic Field Gas Permeameter
- Perkin Elmer Model C653 Fluorescent Spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer Optima 3100RL inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) with autosampler (radial view, UV only)
- Thales ProMark III differential GPS receivers
- Thermo ICP-Mass Spectrometer X Series II
- Thermo Nicolet FTIR spectrometer
- Virtis Benchtop 6K Freeze Dryer
- Zeiss Model AXIOSKOP 2 Research Fluorescence Microscope
- Wyatt Asymmetric-Flow Field-Flow-Fractionation (AF4) System
Field Equipment
Geophysical Instruments
- Ground Penetrating Radar: Pulse Ekko 100 and 1000 (50,100, 225, 450, 900MHz surface and 100MHz borehole antennas)
- Electrical Resistivity: IRIS Syscal R1+ Switch 48 imaging system
- EM Induction: Geophex GEM-2
- EM Induction: Geonics EM-34
- Gamma: GR-110 Exploranium portable gamma-ray
- GPS: Thales ProMark III differential GPS (rover + base station)
- Leica TPS1200+ robotic total station
- Geonics EM38-MK2 EM induction sensor
Drilling Rig
- CME 45 drill rig
- Augers (4” solid stem; 8” hollow stem)
- Geoprobe Hydraulic hammer
- Geoprobe sampling equipment with 3-4” auger
Well Pumping Test Equipment
- 5 Parascientific precision transducers
- Druck portable transducer
- 5 In situ Troll water level data recorders
- 15 kW Kubota generator, Honda generator
- 25, 7.5, 5, 3, and 1/3 Hp submersible pumps
- 2 Campbell Scientific CR10X data acquisition systems
- 2 Grundfos variable rate sampling pumps
Vadose Zone Equipment
- Portable mini-permeameter
- 2 Guelph permeameters
- 7502B time domain reflectometry soil moisture device
- Small-Drill-Hole Mini-Permeameter
Stream Gauging
- Swoffer current meter
- Ohio current meters
- Pygmy meter
Borehole Geophysics/Water Chemistry
Borehole Geophysics - Logging instruments with caliper tool and capabilities for measuring single-point resistance Gamma-ray Temperature.
Water Chemistry - Water quality portable field meters (pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, temperature, ORP).
Hydraulic Fracturing/Aquifer Characterization
Hydraulic Fracturing Equipment - A specially designed system for creating and monitoring shallow hydraulic fractures is available. This system consists of a slurry mixer and pumps with related equipment to control the fracturing process and monitor associated ground deformation.
Aquifer Characterization Equipment - The lab contains a suite of flexible wall permeameters for measuring saturated permeability. In addition, the lab includes a Hassler cell for making permeability measurements under confining pressure and a Boyle’s Law helium porosimeter. A capillary pressure vessel is also available.